We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Interesting article in the Communist Party USA on-line newspaper posted by Joel Wendland here on UnionBook about campaigning for the Democrats in Ashtabula, Ohio...


Interesting article in the Communist Party USA on-line newspaper posted by Joel Wendland here on UnionBook about campaigning for the Democrats in Ashtabula, Ohio...

· Posted by Alan L. Maki on August 27, 2010 at 4:00pm

· View My Blog

Please note: I posted this comment to the People's World website and the editor deleted it. I guess the questions were too tough to answer. I kind of wonder why they are posting their articles to other sites if they fear discussion?

Link to article: http://peoplesworld.org/in-rural-ashtabula-ohio-rally-calls-for-gop...

Has anyone considered in all this talk about "green economy, green jobs," included should be the demands:
What tax-payers fund and finance, tax-payers should own--- including the profits?

Also, that these jobs should be real living wage jobs based upon cost of living factors with affirmative action being enforced according to Executive Order #11246.

It seems to me that it is inappropriate to call for blanket support for Democrats as this article implies is being done considering the way Obama has betrayed the American people on so many issues without these candidates clearly articulating where they stand on issues of importance to working people.

Will people just be electing a bunch of Obama clones?
For instance, are any of these candidates campaigning on the theme, "Tax the rich;" or, are working people going to be expected to pay for all of this "green" through higher taxes, user fees, and increases in their electric bills?
And, are these Democrats addressing the expenditures on wars and militarism?

Is anyone asking the all important question while doing all this phone banking for the Democrats:
How is this WAR ECONOMY working for you?

It is definitely good that efforts are being made to encourage people to join the march on Washington on October 2; but, the article is not clear; are these Democrats being campaigned for supporting the calls for peace, jobs and justice? WE know that not all Democrats are for peace because most Democrats have voted to go to war and fund these wars. If this wasn't the case we wouldn't have these dirty wars for oil and regional domination requiring long-term occupation.

I look forward to a discussion on these issues... of course, this kind of begs a discussion about whether or not we need some kind of labor-based people's party in the United States similar to what labor has in Canada with the NDP?

Quite frankly, in my opinion, it is the responsibility of unions to bring forward the issues of importance to working people and if politicians want the votes of working people these politicians should be responding to the issues and concerns of working people.

From this story we don't know if these Democrats receiving this blanket support really deserve it. For all we know these Democrats are part of Obama's team of salespeople for Wall Street's health insurance industry and they are going to be joining the majority of the Democrats in Congress who continue to fund these dirty wars... it is kind of like we vote for Democrats but end up getting what the Republicans would do if they got elected.

Perhaps Joel Wendland could answer some of these concerns.

Tags: CPUSA, Democrats, PW, Republicans, jobs, justice, ohio, peace, workers

Alan L. Maki

58891 County Road 13

Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432

Cell Phone: 651-587-5541

E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net

Please check out my blog: http://thepodunkblog.blogspot.com/

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