We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Should labor take the lead in the struggle for peace?

Alan L. Maki  

Yes, it is up to labor to end these dirty wars because no other class has the power to do this. It is largely because of these wars that the working class is under attack. Austerity measures are required as a means to make working people pay for these wars and the economic collapse. Trumka is for concessions because he supports Obama and the Democrats. I would like for Richard Trumka--- or anyone else--- to explain how working people in the public sector have any choice but to accept concessions as long as Obama is engaged in two wars? Who is going to pay for these wars? Who is going to pay higher taxes to pay for wages and benefits for public employees? Obviously when Richard Trumka talks about taxing Wall Street and the rich he is not seriously intending to lead a fight for this so that leaves working people to agree to increase their taxes to pay more towards social programs meaning paying the wages of public employees.

You talk about dividing the working class--- well, I don't know of anything that will divide the working class more than pitting the public sector employees against private sector employees and that is exactly what you do when you refuse to acknowledge that it is financing wars and militarism causing the problems.

The states get very significant funding from the federal government--- every dollar spent on wars is a dollar that can't be spent on social programs.

With funding for wars increasing, explain to me how Richard Trumka intends to negotiate any improvements in the livelihoods for public employees. Where will the money come from?

In fact, 95% of all contracts--- public and private--- that have been negotiated during the tenures of John Sweeney and Richard Trumka as heads of the AFL-CIO have been concession contracts with many being "negotiations" that negotiated away many jobs but negotiated away the jobs and closing of entire plants and good portions of jobs in entire industries.

You say I have no basis for saying Richard Trumka doesn't intend to preside over concessions for teachers and public employees--- well, tell me what he is looking to win. The guy is going to preside over not only concessions in wages and benefits; he is going to preside over the "negotiations" that will eliminate tens of thousands of jobs across this country.

Let me tell you something; no one needs a union to "win" pay cuts and to have benefits slashed. A no one needs a union to get terminated from a job.

This is the wealthiest goddamn country in the world spending trillions on militarism and wars while a handful of Wall Street coupon clippers own or control, not only the fantastic wealth in this country--- but all over the world.

No matter what the struggle these big-mouth, self-serving labor fakers like Richard Trumka and Leo Gerard come in talking all tough and militant and they turn right around and sell working people out. This is why it is so damn hard to organize unions in this country--- working people don't trust the union leaders any more than they trust the politicians, and with good reason.

In fact, labor cannot defend its own interests without fighting for peace; it is impossible.

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