We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Elizabeth Warren says, "Don't blame Obama, blame the Republicans..." Give me a break already. Obama has to go.

I think Elizabeth Warren is like Van Jones. Like a couple of fools, they both continue to support Obama. 

What we need is a new political party in this country bringing together liberals, progressives and the left with peace at the very top of the agenda.

All this "blame the Republicans" crap makes me sick. Obama could have taken care of all of this while there was a Democratic majority in the House and Senate and if he had done what he had led people to believe he would do if elected there would still be a Democratic majority in the House and Senate.

The fact is, we are caught in this two-party trap created by Wall Street just for such times.

We need to free ourselves from this two-party trap once and for all.

Check out the New Progressive Alliance:


If you are fed up and have had enough you will find many like-minded people here.

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