We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Many activists are coming to resent attacks on them by the "leadership" of the CPUSA; this is my response to concerns on FaceBook

We are trying to correct the problems in the CPUSA. It isn't doing any good to toss around some of these unfounded accusations. Gus Hall wrote plenty and what he wrote can stand on its own. His last book was "Working Class USA; the power and the movement." How about a few quotes to "prove" where he was wrong?

In fact, the FBI began the COINTELPRO program with the explicit intent to destroy the CPUSA. Then there is the joint FBI-CIA report, "Family Jewels" which tells how this government went after members of the CPUSA.

I think the entire movement in this country needs to know where Sam Webb got over one-million dollars to remodel his office but can't come up with one penny to print leaflets to distribute at plant gates advocating solutions to the problems confronting working people.

There is no doubt in my mind that Sam Webb is on the payroll of the FBI since the United States Department of Justice answers all of my repeated Freedom of Information Act requests for "all files and records relating to Alan Maki and Sam Webb" with denials based on "investigation in progress."

This would not be the first time the FBI infiltrated the CPUSA--- there was the traitor Jay Lovestone and even the Editor of the Daily Worker, Louis Budenz; then there was the liar Maurice Childs who continued his dirty work for over 30 years.

The FBI was forced to turn over some its own files on me as a result of two court rulings--- over 10,000 pages. Multiply that by tens of thousands of labor, civil rights, peace and environmental activists who found a home in the CPUSA and you begin to get the scope of what this government has done to try to destroy the CPUSA. What is amazing that we still exist at all.

It is the likes of Sam Webb and Jarvis Tyner and their little handful of wreckers who need to be called on to explain their positions of support for an imperialist warmonger like Barack Obama who need to be held accountable for what they write that has been used to create a false image of Barack Obama.

One has to wonder how a member of this "grouping," Gerald Horne knew that the "Frank" in Barack Obama's autobiography was Frank Marshall Davis. This all happened at the very time that the CPUSA was given three-million dollars, one-million of which was used by Sam Webb to remodel his office and the rest used to pay a full-time staff turning out lies after lies trying to create an image of Barack Obama as a "progressive." Webb went so far as to call Barack Obama the "leader of the democratic people's front."

People have a right to be angry that the CPUSA did not use its resources to expose Obama as the Wall Street imperialist war-monger that he is--- but, to use our problems in order to hinder us in trying to solve our problems is not right, or correct, either.

As someone who ran for public office for Congress on the CPUSA ticket against Gerald Ford in 1972, I can assure everyone that the CPUSA did not have problems as far as being shills for the Democratic Party until the CPUSA endorsed Bill Clinton. And I think that it is important for everyone to know that this was by no means a unanimous decision and Gus Hall took the position that the CPUSA should run a Communist ticket but he was outvoted by the grouping led by none other than Sam Webb.

Over the years, many of the great activists worked as members of, and alongside and with, the CPUSA.

Great trade unionists like Phil Raymond, Nadia Barkan, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, James Ford, William Z. Foster, Wyndham Mortimer and the list goes on--- we all know about the racist bill-boards that once dotted the highways of this country with Martin Luther King, Jr. seated next to Communists at a school training civil rights activists and then there are people like W.E.B. DuBois and Paul Robeson--- what was their "crimes?" "Friends" of the Party like Smedley Butler often spoke side-by-side with Earl Browder and the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party's two socialist governors, Floyd Olson and Elmer Benson were very vocal in claiming Communists as their friends while Communist John Bernard of Minnesota's Iron Range was elected to the United States Congress on the Farmer-Labor ticket with his voice being the one, lone, courageous voice to stand up in opposition to FDR's embargo of arms needed by those fighting fascism in Spain.

If people want to deal with specifics, here are two recent articles from the on-line People's World that should be ripped apart by peace and social justice activists:



And then there is this hypocritical article by Webb trying to conceal his dirty work:


The CPUSA has over 8 decades of proud contributions and service to the working class and other people's movements that no one can deny.

Now the complaints against what a small group which has hi-jacked the organization are very legitimate--- but, is it the intent of those criticizing to help the FBI bury the CPUSA or rebuild it into the fighting working class organization for which it is so well know?

I realize there are those who have had major disagreements with the CPUSA over the years; but, if the intent is to gloat over the problems then state that as the intent not try to hide behind this crap of Webb and his little entourage supporting Obama.

I am in contact with dozens of CPUSA members around the country; none support Obama--- all see Obama as a Wall Street warmonger. Many of these members have been arbitrarily "purged" by Webb and have had their memberships "revoked." Thousands of members have quit in disgust not understanding that part of the class struggle is struggling to defend their Party when things aren't going well.

Many working people have joined our new clubs not recognized by the national and district "leaderships."

The CPUSA was in similar straits back around 1930 when the traitor Jay Lovestone who went on to work as the CIA's man in the AFL-CIO took control of the organization. But, farsighted, left wing, working people saw the need to join to help correct the problems and today we invite all of you to help us solve our problems. Those who want to gloat over our problems we have confronted this situation in the past, too.

Alan L. Maki
Elected, Secretary-Treasurer
Minnesota-Dakotas-Wisconsin District, CPUSA

I should have stated that I welcome all comments, discussion and dialog; including from Sam Webb.

1 comment:

Red Grandad said...

This was a great article Alan! The vermin will always gloat, those that call themselves Leftists who belong to little ass-wipe sectarian parties with a history of doing nothing,leading no one in the working class. I as a member will never leave voluntarily, why should they win and destroy the party