We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who started the Korean War


Korea has become a focus of attention. Along with the focus of attention, and the "twists" the MainStreamMedia is giving this focus of attention, come lies about who started the Korean War.

I invite anyone to challenge what I wrote in another group:

Who started the Korean War?

The U.S. massacres in southern Korea were taking place long before the Korean War began. U.S. President Harry Truman ordered General Douglas MacArthur to carry campaigns of massacres against Korean anti-imperialists who had been our allies in fighting the Japanese imperialists as World War Two was coming to a close in the Pacific because Wall Street was worried these patriotic anti-imperialist Koreans were going to establish a "people's democratic government"--- socialism--- which they were going to do; which was their right to do without being murdered by U.S. armed forces which had begun propping up right-wing bullies and thugs who had collaborated with the Japanese imperialist fascists.

The Wall Street controlled media here in the United States would like us to believe that the massacres were limited to the time during the Korean War because these warmongers think they have the American people convinced "that shit happens" which is beyond anyone's control during wars.

I have been following the work of the South Korean Truth and Reconciliation Commission since it was first established and the crimes of genocide carried out by the Korean collaborators with the Japanese imperialists at the initiation and prodding and complete backing with full complicity of the United States government under the supervision of the U.S. military has been well documented. The crimes against the Korean people were of a most vicious, barbaric, cannibalistic and savage nature... crimes against humanity which have been repeated over and over again by the United States government and military in protecting Wall Street's greedy agenda of securing cheap natural resources and cheap labor resulting in maximum profits enforced by racist imperialist wars.

The twilight years of world capitalism with U.S. imperialism at the helm began with the crimes against the peoples of the pacific region--- Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam. In all these countries our allies--- the anti-imperialists--- became the victims of U.S. imperialism which has grown into a barbaric, cannibalistic monster which is now the enemy of people everywhere--- including our own people right here in the United States as lie upon lie is concocted and fed in a never-ending stream and pumped into the minds of the American people.

One has to wonder how it is that these most horrendous crimes against the Korean people don't even rate second-fiddle to the sexual escapades of Herman Caine when it comes to what passes for "news" in this country.

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