We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When "Red Finns" swear.

I thought I would try using all the dirtiest words in the dictionary in one FaceBook post.

Did you ever notice the words frowned upon, distorted, maligned and given bad connotations?

Lots of words are given "bad" connotations by those in power.

"Peace" is one much maligned word by those on Wall Street who profit from militarism and wars but it doesn't stop us from talking about it.

"Imperialism" is another very maligned word even though it describes to a "t" what is taking place in the world.

One very maligned word is "socialism;" the official highly paid Wall Street pundits never stop maligning this word which embodies the hope of all humanity for a better world.

Probably the dirtiest word in the English language is "workingclass;" the class which creates all wealth with quite a little help from Mother Nature--- the only class with the power to bring about real change if it militantly adheres to a progressive anti-imperialist peace agenda placing us on the road to challenging our Wall Street enemies for political and economic power on the road to replacing capitalism with socialism.

"Capitalism" is another word the officially sanctioned pundits really don't like to use; choosing instead to call it "free enterprise" or "the free market system" which sound nicer and deflects criticism from the very system which thrives on exploitation, racism and wars leaving behind people mired in debt and poverty.

There... it really isn't that hard to use all of the dirtiest words in the English language.

Try "cussing" a little... it might make you feel good and make our Wall Street enemies cringe :)

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