We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sam Webb and the CPUSA

I don't care to get into discussions about Sam Webb who heads what remains of the CPUSA.

Webb isn't a figure of any stature within any of the mass movements and all the Communist parties around the world have rejected his views as anti-Marxist.

Here is my view of Sam Webb who I personally know very well; feel free to share with my permission with anyone you want to--- publicly or privately.

Read what Sam Webb writes for yourself to determine what you think his political views are. In my opinion he is a neo-liberal Democrat--- at best; his views pretty much mirror (perhaps a little more to the right) those of Joseph Stiglitz who also makes the claim to being a socialist even though he only provides a left veneer for a very reactionary form of neo-liberalism.

All of Sam Webb's ideological chums--- Amy Dean, Robert Borosage, Dean Baker are associated with The Century Foundation whose job it is to keep us all trapped in the Democrats' "big tent" provided we don't oppose Wall Street's imperialist agenda of wars abroad paid for through austerity measures here at home.

In fact, Webb contributes nothing to ideology; his only use to the Democrats has been to provide one more level and layer of cover for Obama's dirty service to Wall Street along with sowing even more confusion and disorientation in the working class movement.

We invited Sam Webb to participate in the struggle to save the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant through public ownership. He was a no show.

I am ashamed to have ever been so closely associated with Sam Webb and I assume the feeling is mutual.

The Communist and socialist movements have had such traitors as Sam Webb in the past including Jay Lovestone who ended up doing the CIA's dirty work through the AFL-CIO's International Affairs Department and those traitors like Maurice Childs and Louis Budenz who joined the FBI as infiltrators of the CPUSA. I believe the FBI recruited Sam Webb to do its dirty work after they were forced to pull Maurice Childs out.

Workers in every country need a strong Communist Party; the United States is no exception. It will likely be considerable time before we can repair the damage Sam Webb has done on a national level.

On the local level many Communist Party Clubs are immersed in the class struggle in spite of being attacked by the Webb group who have hi-jacked the National Office for their destructive purposes making it more difficult, but not impossible, for our local clubs to function.

Alan L. Maki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Informative article, totally what I wanted to find.
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