We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

John Kerry strikes a blow against democracy.

John Kerry hammers democracy and takes a poke at "We The People" who are thoroughly fed up.

Speaking to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil, on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that "this little thing called the Internet makes it much harder to govern."

What is interesting is that most of the media has not even so much as questioned Kerry or insisted he go into more detail about this remark which is a direct attack on democracy.

Obviously, Kerry and Obama and the Democrats and the Republicans are arrogantly insisting that they have the right to run the government according to Wall Street's dictate without any input into the decision-making process from "we the people."

If we look at how the Democrats and Republicans run their own political parties we get a clue about how they want to run the government--- by manipulation and scheming in order to control people and movements completely free from any form of real citizen participation, transparency and oversight and without any consideration for democracy, the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights or the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It is the epitome of hypocrisy that we have the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, trotting the globe "on our dime" lamenting efforts of citizens to participate in their governments as all these other Wall Street bribed politicians, the mainstream corporate controlled media and the over-paid capitalist Sooth-sayers/pundits along with the muddle-headed middle class "intellectual" supporters of Obama all boasting to the world that the United States is the world's greatest bastion of democracy.

Talk about "irony."

We are getting a good strong dose of what Obama meant when he wrote this article about "Renewing American Leadership" back in 2007 for Foreign Affairs Magazine:


Wall Street insists on its "right" to dictate without interference from the working class based upon its greedy appetite for profits obtained through exploitation, rape and robbery.

If people object and protest against this Wall Street dictate here at home or abroad, in the eyes of these Wall Street vultures like John Kerry, the people--- we the people--- become difficult to control.

We must exercise all of our rights using protests in the streets backed up at the ballot box.

We need to use the Internet to organize a political party of "We The People" fed up with wars, unemployment, poverty, lack of access to health care, racism and inequality along with the destruction of our living environment.

Barack Obama and John Kerry have apparently become concerned that "We The People" may decide to use the Internet in exercising our right to revolution.

Instead of welcoming the Internet as a harbinger of direct citizen participation in the decision-making process of a working democracy, John Kerry laments citizens having the knowledge required to participate in their own governments--- come on, really; is this kind of representative of the United States of America we want traipsing the globe "on our dime?" Let Wall Street pay the tab for its own propagandists.

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