We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Public ownership in Minnesota.

Republicans are rabidly against any forms of nationalization or public ownership; Democrats are all for the "free market," too.

Democrats and Republicans--- except for a teeny-weeny, small little handful of liberal, progressive and left wing Democrats--- here in Minnesota joined together to oppose using public ownership to save the Saint Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant which employed two-thousand workers and they gave away the publicly owned hydro dam which powered the manufacturing operation for over 85 years to a Canadian multi-national corporation to rip-off the people and profit from.

But, wait!

Public officials, Democrats and Republicans--- in Fosston, Minnesota voted, at the regular City Council meeting on September 9, 2013, to pay $350,000.00 to purchase the privately owned Fosston Golf Course from millionaire Greg Mireault in order to bring it under public ownership; why? To "save the jobs!"

Typical of the government's screwed up priorities.

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