We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Liars from MoveOn.org supporting Obama got us into this mess; let them figure out how to get out of it on their own.

Our friends at MoveOn.org are very worried the Republicans are poised to capture control of the U.S. Senate this fall--- they want your time, your money and your vote.

I wouldn't waste my time, my money or my vote on a bunch of Dumb Donkeys whose priorities lie with wasting the wealth of our Nation on wars and bailing out Wall Street banks and industries instead of providing for the needs of the people.

They have good reason to be worried since Obama and the Democrats refused to deliver on any of their promises.

They tell us the Affordable Care Act is in jeopardy--- like anyone should care if it's repealed; good riddance I say. It's time to advance the demand for a National Public Health Care System which would put millions of people to working providing us all with free health care--- just like public education: public funding, public administration and public delivery. Tell the insurance companies and the rest of the profiteers to go to hell.

MoveOn.org should have thought of the consequences when they started creating the lies that Obama is some kind of liberal with a progressive agenda.

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