We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More “dialog” with a Tea-bagger

Joseph Jove

Joseph Jove

Executive Order #11246? I thought you said it was the Law of the land? A president can't create a law through an Executive Order, Alan. You just lost more points. You can run for the hills at anytime now Alan.

8 hours ago

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki


Executive Order #11246 is the law of the land; it has been challenged time and time again in the courts of law and in the "public square." The majority of the American people support a "level playing field" for everyone... in opposing Executive Order #11246 you demonstrate your own vile racism... you don't even have the moral or political courage to address the specific points and issues that are contained in Executive Order #11246.

Here is a partial listing of the many public programs that work just fine when they are fully funded as mandated and since you use each and every one of these public institutions you are a hypocrite because, like you, every single American benefits from many socialized/public programs in this country without any complaints every single day of their lives:

· Public schools.
· United States Post Office.
· Police.
· Fire.
· Libraries.
· Parks and recreation.
· Water and sewer.
· Public transit.
· Courts.
· Roads, highways and bridges.
· Power lines.
· Sidewalks.
· Public forests and lands.
· Public fishing accesses. (These are very important to people here in Minnesota)

Joseph... as you can see, there is nothing wrong with our many fine socialist institutions... what we need is even more of them--- beginning with a nation-wide socialized healthcare system which could be financed in one of two ways or in combination; paid for with funds saved from ending these dirty, barbaric, imperialist wars that George Bush and the Republicans started with complete complicity from the Democrats which Barack Obama and the Democrats now continue all on their own... wars that are killing people and killing jobs and people without jobs can't pay into Social Security or any other taxes to support our fine public institutions that we socialists have fought to bring into existence over the years... or, this socialized healthcare system could be paid for by taxing the well-heeled and super rich. The other option--- the third option--- would be to finance a socialized healthcare system in the same manner Social Security is funded.

Nope, Joseph; you won't see me running for the hills because a handful of you half-assed fascists and two-bit racists try to pretend you are intelligent. So far you haven't responded to one single point I have made even though I have responded to the three primary issues the Tea Party Movement claims to be concerned about because it is socialists like me who are:

* fiscally responsible.

* for a government that is limited in size to what it needs to accomplish to enable society to best function in the interest of the majority.

and, yes...

* we socialists are opposed to the "free markets" of capitalism which are nothing but code-words that have enabled the greediest from amongst us to profit from the misery of the many.

I could get into the way you Tea-baggers are trying to smother democracy if you are up to it... or, have you headed for the hills looking for a cave to crawl back into?

April 17, 2010 :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of crap... Teabagger? I don't follow any political group, nor do I belong to any political party! You on the other hand do. This is proof how roll. http://josephjove.posterous.com/