We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Earth Day: Celebrate the Clean Air Act w/ Sierra Club & Minneapolis NAACP

Earth Day: Celebrate the Clean Air Act w/ Sierra Club & Minneapolis NAACP

You Might Attend · Share · Public Event
Saturday, April 30 · 10:00am - 2:00pm

Minneapolis Urban League
2100 Plymouth Avenue N
Minneapolis, MN

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Join the Sierra Club North Star Chapter and the Minneapolis NAACP for a day of celebrating the Clean Air Act! Expect a fun day with youth musical performances, a panel including Congressman Keith Ellison, environmental justice leader Vernice Miller-Travis, and MPCA Commissioner Paul Aasen! This event includes a honk-&-wave in support of the Clean Air Act, fun games and prizes and a free lunch!

The event is free and child friendly!

In the United States, the asthma hospitalization rate for African Americans is 3 to 4 times the rate for whites. Inner city children have the highest asthma prevalence, hospitalizations and deaths. Smog and soot pollution from coal-fired power plants and transportation is largely to blame. 

Fortunately, the Clean Air Act exists to protect our health and the EPA exists to enforce much needed safeguards. More than 1.7 million asthma attacks and $110 billion in health costs were avoided in 2010 alone thanks to everyone’s efforts.
Wall Street's military-financial-industrial complex driven by profits provides the largest carbon footprint. Peace is an environmental issue seldom discussed by environmentalists yet a tremendous amount of energy is required to keep the merchants of death and destruction who profit from wars happy. The amount of fuel wasted in maintaining U.S. military operations and fighting wars in one year would provide enough fuel to run and operate all public transportation systems here in the United States for over 18 months. Peace and the re-ordering of this country's priorities must become part of the environmental movement. Wall Street exploits labor in the process of raping Mother Nature leaving our living environment one big polluted mess tax-payers are then forced to finance the clean-up.
37 minutes ago ·  · 
    • Sierra Club North Star Chapter I think it would be great to come and share that info
      31 minutes ago · 
    • Alan L. Maki 
      I live in Warroad and will not be able to participate in this meeting; please feel free to share this info with the participants. 

      Producing for war with mining, manufacturing and the production of energy required by these industries is causing more pollution and contamination than anything other single human "endeavor." 

      Every time I drive by the Boswell coal-fired plant north of Grand Raids and see the huge clouds of mercury laced pollution floating through the sky I wonder how much death and destruction we are subjecting ourselves to as we waste our resources killing workers abroad as Wall Street seeks cheap natural resources and cheap labor abroad in quest of maximum profits. 

      We are killing people in wars while killing jobs here at home as we add costs to health care here at home since all of this pollution is causing heart, lung and cancer problems while polluting every single body of water-- ditches, streams, rivers and lakes in Minnesota. 

      For wars we pollute and contaminate our air, water, land and we are killing off plants, animals and ourselves. 

      Quite frankly, I don't see much to celebrate when it comes to the Clean Air Act since no one is enforcing it in Minnesota. Instead, Minnesota politicians and the MPCA along with the EPA just turn around and provide mining and energy industries the right to evade the Clean Air Act... and the Sierra Club along with the Minnesota Environmental Partnership go right along with all of this lest their corporate contributions end. And you keep supporting the politicians whose campaigns are funded by the same corporate polluters.

      Minnesota politicians from both corporate backed parties--- the Republican Party and Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party have demonstrated their complete disdain for environmental laws and protections as they are trying to increase the pollution limits to enable sulfide mining in the Arrowhead and peat mining in the Big Bog as they sit back and allow the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant to be bulldozed over (talk about a huge carbon footprint of complete waste--- have you calculated the carbon footprint required to build a plant the size of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant?); when this plant should be used to produce what is required to lessen our carbon footprint in manufacturing for a green economy which would save jobs. Here in the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant we have as green a manufacturing operation as you can get powered by clean, green hydro that has been subsidized to the hilt by tax-payers. 

      I have been sharing this info with the Sierra Club and the Minneapolis NAACP and your organizations have refused to take action in spite of the very sharp racist edge to all of this.

      In fact, both of your sponsoring organizations have gone out of your way to try and prevent me sharing this information.

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