We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Obama is not responsible for everything that is wrong in this country but he is responsible for what he has done.

In fact, everything that is now wrong in this country is a result of what has been in the works for around 400 years. 

The thing with Obama is that he intentionally led people to believe he was going to be a voice and advocate for real change in putting this country on the road to peace, social and economic justice. 

No one would have complained had he made an attempt to put such a process in motion and failed because most of us understand the problems are very complex and enormous. 

But, Obama never intended to do what he led people to believe he would do--- strive for peace and justice.

The problem with Obama is that he was just flat out lying and created an image for himself that simply was completely contrary to what he really intended to do. 

To listen to some of you Obama supporters it is like Obama is so important we now can't get along without him; this simply is not true.

In fact, we will do much better without Obama because real change requires honesty in politics. Obama's own dishonesty is what has turned so many people who had been his supporters against him and when his remaining supporters stoop to trying to portray all the things he did for his Wall Street backers as accomplishments we should all support and be proud of as if he has improved our lot in life when just plain old living with what he has been responsible for creating proves just the opposite, this only further angers and polarizes people.

Obama's own dishonesty has created so much anger and polarization in our country that even if he could be re-elected--- which he can't--- it wouldn't be healthy for democracy and the politics of this country. 

You can go back to Reagan and Bush but the fact remains that for most working people life has become worse under Obama and this is a fact of life that no amount of characterizing his agenda in nice sounding sound bites can change.

Failing to recognize and acknowledge the horrendous poverty being imposed on so many people across this country is just as dishonest as failing to recognize the misery and suffering resulting from these dirty wars which in every sense are Obama's wars no matter how often and how vigorously objections are to these wars being characterized as Obama's wars--- these wars are his; they are his wars to put an end to.

I see this mounting suffering on a daily basis among the people I work with. 

Anyone who knows me knows that if I saw the least little bit of improvement in the lives of working people as a result of Obama's policies and his agenda I would be the first person defending him... but, the living conditions resulting from the lower standard of living being intentionally imposed by way of these cruel and well thought out austerity measures on working people is intolerable and without any justification whatsoever. 

It is not like we are living in a country where there is no wealth with which to solve problems. Obama is squandering the wealth of our nation that should be used to solve the problems of people; Obama is squandering this wealth on terrible and horrible wars for which there is no justification.

We are living in the wealthiest country in the world and it is the very working people who created this tremendous wealth (although much has been stolen from other nations, too) that are now being forced to suffer and I don't care what measuring stick one uses none of this is right or justifiable.

Obama is one mean and cruel human being who will do anything his Wall Street partners require of him. To even attempt to portray this monster in any other light is deceitful and downright dishonest.

Obama must go.

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