We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Role of lack of purchasing power by workers in financial crisis…

George Hewison: Strike by big capital in the US in the billions. Big business blames Obama, but the real reason is the lack of purchasing power by workers. Note the Chamber of Congress even refused to meet the White House liaison to discuss the situation.



  • My response…
    • Alan L. Maki

      I agree with you completely, George. "Lack of purchasing power by workers" is the biggest culprit in this whole financial mess yet it is seldom discussed; although even Robert Reich, Clinton's Labor Secretary, has been mentioning this.
      Obama has been used by big capital for their own purposes; now they are done with him.
      That unused "capital" should be seized by the government and placed in a government created and owned bank like the State Bank of North Dakota... combine these funds with union pension funds, money saved from ending the wars and a nice big tax on the rich and we can create millions of jobs solving the problems of the people including national public health care and child care systems which will put money through wages in the pockets of workers to spend.
      Big capital should be told that we are just borrowing their money until we get the country back up on its feet again and they will receive the same interest that Wall Street bankers have been paying to those with savings accounts... and they should "hope" that things work out better for their assets than how things worked out for all the people who have lost their life savings invested in 401K's and in the homes they have lost.
      We have two very prominent Democratic Party politicians advocating real solutions to this economic mess...
      One is Mark Dayton--- a liberal with some progressive ideas and a very left main objective (although he has some bad ideas to go along with the good)--- here in Minnesota who is advocating "tax the rich" as the main part of his campaign platform as he explains it here:
      And, here is Virg Bernero the Democratic candidate for governor in Michigan on his proposal for a state bank (Bernero has also called for a moratorium on home foreclosures):
      Both Bernero and Dayton push "private industry" as the key to job creation when it is quite obvious private industry has seized on this economic crisis to squeeze more work out of fewer workers thereby making unemployment and its associated poverty even worse.
      Government is going to have to become the employer of first choice creating huge public programs designed around solving the problems of working people and for the common good of society.

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