We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Too “apathetic” or “lazy” to vote? Or just no choices?

  • Timothy Wheeler Think about Medgar Evers, shot to death in his driveway in Mississippi for organizing Black people to vote. It is a right that oceans of blood was spilled to win. Do not forfeit that right out of laziness or apathy. If you are not registered to vote, do it NOW! The deadline is NOW! Karl Rove is depending on you staying home Nov. 2 to give the Republicans majority control of the House and Senate. Vote Nov. 2!
      • Alan L. Maki

        Perhaps you could post a list of Democrats and others worth voting for based on the positions taken by those running for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate and for Governors?
        Maybe start with those who are opposed to funding the Israeli killing ...machine and work towards issues like those opposed to funding these dirty wars (and occupations) in Iraq and Afghanistan working towards where they stand on government becoming the employer of first choice in ending unemployment and supporting the enforcement of affirmative action (Executive Order #11246).
        Medgar Evers fought for the vote in order that people would be able to participate in electoral struggles to compliment the struggles in the streets to make life better for people of color and all working people.
        There seems to be a "laziness" on the part of some to issue shallow calls for people to vote without taking the time to educate voters where politicians stand on the issues.
        And, when people vote for candidates who work against their own interests because they lack required information about these candidates it doesn't really make any difference if they vote or not. And when voters have no choices at the polls there really is no reason to vote... failing to vote for such a reason is not "apathy" or "laziness."
        I already voted... out of a very long list of candidates for many offices, I voted for only one candidate, Mark Dayton for Governor--- the rest of the candidates for various offices don't care about the problems and concerns of working people so what do I care who wins or loses?
        Believe me, it was not that I was "apathetic" or too "lazy" to vote any of the other races... I intentionally didn't vote, and none of the Republicans that might win could possibly scare me into voting for worthless Democrats.
        In most places across this country when I look at the Democrats running the Republicans aren't scary enough to make me vote Democrat.
        Here in my own Congressional District, Democratic Congressman Colin Petersen, a big Obama booster who won't even put up a yard sign for Mark Dayton for Governor; Peterson boasts that he is more conservative than any Republican. Why would I vote for Peterson?
        Then I look at Barbara Boxer and her shameful support for the
        Israeli killing machine and her support for the managements of the Indian Gaming Industry--- I wouldn't bother wasting my gas or a bus ticket to get to the polls to vote for her as "liberal" as she claims to be.
        In fact, we need to make sure that some of these Democrats are not part of the same political system that caused Medgar Evers to be murdered in his driveway.
        Hasn't anyone compiled the voting records and the positions of all these Democrats you want us to turn out and vote for? In memory of Medgar Evers and all those who gave their lives in the struggle to secure voting rights for everyone, don't we owe it to all these people who sacrificed their lives to at least conduct some education on where the candidates stand on the issues of importance--- like those issues brought forward at the recent October 2 One Nation Working Together march and rally? Remember, what we saw on the signs carried by working people and on their t-shirts is just as important as what was said in the speeches.
        Shouldn't all voters be asked to consider a very important question before they cast their precious votes:
        How is Obama's war economy working for you?
        It just might be that not showing up to vote for many people is their way of answering this question and it is an insult to suggest that people who are offended that candidates are not responding to their needs are "apathetic" and "lazy."
        For instance, had the candidate for Governor that the leader of the Minnesota Communist Party, Erwin Marquit, supported for Minnesota Governor, the candidate--- Margaret Anderson-Kelliher, the candidate of the Summit Hill Club and Democratic Party "Business Caucus" won the Primary Election... I would not have bothered to vote at all... not because I am "lazy" or "apathetic" but I don't need a Democrat shoving a telephone pole up my butt until it hurts any more than a Republican.

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