We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Richard Trumka claims to be doing something about unemployment--- ya, sure; you betcha

 I am quite aware of what you say... my concern is not about the history of this alliance; my concern is what is this alliance being talked about here going to do other than holding another press conference or two or three... Martin Luther King led massive protests movements in the streets; sit ins, bus boycotts... besides operating a few soup kitchens-- if even that--- is there anything else this alliance seeks to accomplish?

Will Richard Trumka and these "leaders" of faith communities be leading people in massive protests like those rocking Europe?

Or will these people go hat-in-hand begging to Obama for a few crumbs and bones.

During the 1930's movements of the unemployed held massive mobilizations demanding the New Deal.

Obama is obviously on a course charted by Wall Street... does this new alliance intend to use full force by mobilizing its members--- union and faith based--- as Martin Luther King did?

I would point out that prior to Malcolm X's assassination he and King were in the process of forging a powerful alliance that most likely would have included some unions. As you know, the George Meany/Lane Kirkland cabal never supported the Civil Rights movement or the march that King led in Memphis at the time he was murdered.

Are you telling us that Richard Trumka is now going to finally lead the AFL-CIO on a path that it should have been on all these years? I don't think so. What Trumka is trying to head off here is a massive rank-and-file anger and disgust with his big mouth yapping all the time about how he is going to do this and that and form this alliance and that alliance and making threats to hold Obama and the Democrats accountable and then he just moves on to the next interview or press conference.

1.1 billion dollars dollars of working peoples' hard earned money flushed down the toilet supporting a bunch of Dumb Donkeys Trumka can't even influence when it counts on something like extending unemployment benefits.

Instead of wasting all this money supporting a bunch of Dumb Donkeys that only leave behind a pile of donkey dung for working people to try to grab before the sparrows get at it isn't my idea of money well spent.

I would note that these this is the very same "community of faith" group Trumka worked with to elect Barack Obama and these people, Trumka included, are pledged to elect Obama again after having been handed what the sparrows have left behind.

If this alliance between the AFL-CIO and the "faith community" was a movement being led by people with outlooks similar to Martin Luther King, Jr. or Malcolm X or William Winpisinger or William Z. Foster or Wyndham Mortimer I might have some confidence in what is being said here... but, it isn't.

We have all heard Trumka with his big mouth holding press conferences before with outfits like the Campaign for America's Future and the same old slew of foundation funded outfits working with George Soro's money like The Century Foundation and so far they haven't followed through on a damn thing.

Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and those who built our great industrial unions that have now disintegrated into beggars had to build grassroots and rank-and-file movements forcing Roosevelt to act because the same "labor leaders" from which Trumka is derived refused to even support things like Unemployment Compensation or Social Security.

Again, today, working people are going to have to take matters into their own hands because Richard Trumka and the AFL-CIO refuse to free up the resources they are sitting on to organize real campaigns for social and economic justice.

And while we are speaking of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I would remind you the King was speaking out against that dirty war in Vietnam in Memphis only hours before his assassination... Richard Trumka has yet to speak out against these dirty wars in Iraq and Afghanistan killing our jobs just like they are killing the people of Iraq and Afghanistan... and Trumka fails to realize that we can not have an economy of "guns and butter" at the same time because spending on wars and militarism robs us of the very resources and wealth we need to create jobs.

Furthermore, Richard Trumka has bought into this crap of "allowing the free market to create jobs." There is no two ways about this; to solve this unemployment mess the government has to become the employer of first choice by putting people to work solving the problems of people and society.

I don't know many people who trust Trumka since he sold us out on health care reform after his own memberships told him they wanted single-payer/medicare for all. I remind you it was this same group now being cobbled together by Trumka that spearheaded the drive to kill single-payer by insisting we all get behind Obama's "health care reform" that turned out to be the "Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010" and in supporting this crap Trumka and his "faith community" have left everyone to fend for themselves in trying to figure out what to do as they are being dropped from their supplemental Medicare insurance programs.

If you think I am fed up you should travel Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan to listen to what working people have to say.

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