We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why should the left be concerned about the 2012 Democratic Primary after Obama's lies and betrayals?

My point is that if we are going to get rid of Obama he is going to have to be Primaried out. At the most, we have three months to field a slate of progressive candidates to run independently of the Democrats. Obviously Hillary Clinton is intending to get in the Primary because she has her two main attack dogs after Obama--- Paul Krugman and Robert Reich... from the left we should be pouring fuel on the fire they have started... if it means electing Hillary Clinton to get rid of Obama so be it. As someone who has run on a minor party left-wing ticket before I am all for anyone taking up this challenge; but, let us not kid ourselves, the Democratic Party is probably the only game in town for anyone seeking real change--- not that any Democrats or the Democratic Party is going to be the locomotive for change--- or even the caboose; but, this is still where most grassroots and rank and file activists are at and we just might be able to elect a couple more Bernie Sanders to the Senate and the House. Maybe even a few independent of the Democrats here or there. But, the real movement is going to have to take place in the streets with people turning this country upside down in order to win any real reforms. It is unfortunate that these outfits like "Progressives for Obama," the Progressive Democrats of America, the Center for American Progress and the Campaign for America's Future have been able to sow such deep divisions along with so much confusion in our movements by making people think and believe that Obama is something that he is not--- any change in this is going to have to come from a left that has the patience to continue working alongside those involved at the grassroots and rank and file levels in the Democratic Party--- not to build up the Democratic Party but to advance an issue oriented campaign with real and specific solutions to our problems.

The majority of the working class is liberal, progressive and left--- it would be irresponsible, and very dangerous, for the left to abandon progressives and liberals in the working class who are still in the Democratic Party.

I get the feeling there are those leftists who think that somehow we can bully, badger and intimidate their liberal and progressive sisters and brothers to move left and abandon the Democratic Party the way Obama and his entourage of labor fakers and their "think tanks" have tried to bully, badger and intimidate the left to support Obama or remain silent--- this doesn't work, as we know, it only creates resentment.

No matter who it is that steps forward--- Hillary or whoever--- to try and Primary out Barack Obama the left his going to have to be strong enough to make some offers that candidate cannot refuse. We have to go with votes in our pockets; not with empty hands and we are going to get something out of the deal--- but, only if we are well organized.

There is no reason why we should not be able to use this Primary election to force an end to these wars.

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