We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

An open letter to Erwin Rud

Mr. Erwin Rud;

You and Mark Froemke are upset I told Democrats AND Republicans to "go to hell." You say this makes me "crazy" and I "need help.

The "treatment" you and Mark Froemke need is to sit down in front of those vehicles taking the scabs into the American Crystal Sugar plants and getting your heads busted wide open by police working at the direction of Democrat Mark Dayton with the full support of the Democrats and Republicans--- it is called bi-partisan unity; Democrats and Republicans working together to attack working people. getting your head cracked open by a policeman's billy-club might cure you of your illness called "class collaboration," a malady which causes workers to be led around by their bosses which leads you to support a bunch of worthless Democrats.

You are nothing but a worthless liar calling me a Republican because I support candidates bringing forward real solutions to the problems working people are experiencing... I stated: 

Tell the Democrats AND Republicans to go to hell.

Here is what I wrote to which you have responded by slandering me as a "Republican:"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tell the Democrats and Republicans to go to hell

Casino workers support the demonstration at Congressman John Kline's office at 101 West Burnsville Parkway, Burnsville, Minnesota from Noon to 1pm on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 demanding an increase in the Minimum Wage.


The minimum wage should be a real living--- non-poverty--- wage legislatively tied to calculations of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics based on all cost of living factors.

Any employer who can't pay the workers required to do the job for which they have been hired a real living wage should just do the work themselves or let their spouse and children do the work.

Casino workers employed in the Indian Gaming Industry working in loud, noisy, smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages and without any rights because the Democrats approved the "Compacts" creating this horrendous industry where a bunch of rich, white mobsters own the slot machines leaving Native American communities saddled with huge debt-creating poverty breeding misery are thoroughly fed up with the Democrats.

We are asking all workers to consider this question before casting their votes in November:

How is Barack Obama's Wall Street war economy working for you?

Working class voters have three good alternative choices when they enter the voting booth in November--- all three of whom support substantial increases in the minimum wage:

Jill Stein--- Green Party, Rocky Anderson--- Justice Party, Stewart Alexander--- Socialist Party.

The path to real living wage jobs for every American worker is by creating jobs through solving the problems of the people--- paid for by peace dividends derived from ending these dirty imperialist wars and taxing the hell out of the filthy rich much of whose wealth has been derived from paying poverty wages.

For example: A National Public Health Care System would create more than ten-million new good-paying union jobs.

For example: A National Public Child Care System would create over three-million new good-paying union jobs.

We need to re-establish the historic liberal-progressive-left coalition which can bring about the change and kind of reforms required to protect, defend and raise the quality of life and standard of living for all working people while protecting and advancing the rights of all working people.

Affirmative Action must be enforced so people of color, women and the handicapped get access to the jobs as required by Federal Executive Order #11246. Enforcing Affirmative Action is one way to increase everyone's standard of living because it places pressure on wages to go up as these huge pools of unemployed people which drive wages down are eliminated. An end to discrimination benefits us all.

Of course a good union contract is better than any government anti-poverty program but still we must insist that the United States government wages a war on poverty instead of funding these dirty imperialist wars killing us all.

The wealthy don't need any government help because with their wealth they can fend for themselves; it is working people who need government action on their side not government working against them.

The only way we are going to push wages up and solve the problem of unemployment at the same time is through a combination of union organizing, fighting for the minimum wage to be a real living--- non-poverty--- wage, massive public works jobs programs as described above combined with bringing back depression-busting programs like WPA, CCC and C.E.T.A. and recognizing that an injustice to workers anywhere is an injustice to workers everywhere threatening our rights to a standard of living in line with what the United Nations' universal Declaration of Human Rights requires.

If workers are going to begin winning struggles there must be the realization that workers without any rights or a voice at work have no rights in the communities where they live.

"At-will hiring; At-will firing" legislation must be terminated because it is the primary obstacle to workers organizing and asserting their rights yet the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party repeatedly refuses to bring forward the need to rescind "At-will hiring; At-will firing" legislation; why is this?

Wall Street is our common enemy. Whether it be U.S. Congressman John Kline opposing an increase in the minimum wage or MNDFL Governor Mark Dayton refusing to negotiate a new contract in good faith with State workers or President Barack Obama refusing to take a stand in solidarity with the embattled workers in Wisconsin or the MNDFL which has refused to bring its full weight to bear in ending the lock-out of more than 1,300 workers employed by American Crystal Sugar in the Red River Valley--- none of these politicians deserve the votes of working people.

In struggle and solidarity,

Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council

Mr. Rud, you show me anything in this blog post that makes me a "Republican."

You are upset because more and more American Crystal Sugar workers are beginning to see the truth when I explain to them in my visits with them in their homes that Mark Froemke and Shar Knutsen led them into a trap when they insisted they leave the plants after American Crystal Sugar management told them they would be locked out--- instead of taking the plants over and occupying them until a contract was negotiated and signed. And they are also understanding what I mean when I explain that the two-party system is another component of this same trap set by the bosses.

In fact, Collin Peterson is a Republican and MNDFL CD 7 is a big part of the problem in the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party and as you are an avid booster of Collin Peterson this makes you part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

With "friends" like you and Mark Froemke and Shar Knutson working people don't need any enemies because you do the dirty work for the bosses.

I spend several days a month meeting with American Crystal Sugar workers up and down the Red River Valley so I am very confident in saying the workers are pretty damn fed up with your bunch of phony "friends" of labor, the Democrats in CD 7.

Now go get yourself a baseball bat and stop those scabs that you let into the plants in the first place instead of occupying the plants as you should have.

Mr. Rud, I wouldn't call 63% of the workers voting not to accept management's "final offer" such great support for Mark Froemke and Shar Knutson's "leadership." As you are fully aware, to get a resolution passed through a Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party's state convention a 72% vote is required.

Again, my suggestion to American Crystal Sugar workers: either cut your losses by accepting American Crystal Sugar management's "final offer" or stop the scabs.
And, don't keep walking back into the boss' two-party trap.

By the way, Mr. Rud; you don't say in your slanderous attack on me if you and the Democrats of Congressional District 7 support my solution for the minimum wage being a real living wage.

The fact of the matter is that under this Froemke group's "leadership" of the BCTGM | The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, American Crystal Sugar workers have never had real living wages.

By the way, would you mind telling me how much American Crystal Sugar workers have contributed to the campaign coffers of the Democrats? Do you think locked out American Crystal Sugar workers are now getting their money's worth now that they have been locked out for a year? Where is the support from the Democrats in return?

I do find it interesting that when Mark Froemke nominated Republican Collin Peterson to run for the United States Congress on the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party ticket at the Congressional District 7 Nominating Convention he was registered to vote at his home in Grand Forks, North Dakota; care to explain this, Mr. Rud?

Alan L. Maki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You never should pull a knife on a friend who shares your apparent values. End your militaristic attitude, bud'.

I would be more impressed with your suggestions that Mark Froemke and I have our heads bashed in by the Crookston police if you had set an example of how that goes down. After all, you have miltitary mindset trying to find a more peaceful way.

I write letters to editors, Alan. Why don't you try that route and quit working for that Las Vegas Casino organizer that has no intention of helping your casino workers organize? Why aren't you down in St. Paul and Washington DC to advocate funds to incubate the startup of slot machine gaming manufacturing on the Red Lake and White Earth Reservations?

Come on Alan, put your actions where your mouth tries to justify your cause.

Erwin R. Rud