We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A fascist "culture of graft and corruption" now threatens to throw the Ukrainian economy into chaos.

Now the EU and the United States are backing away from bailing out the Ukraine because, they say, they can't trust these two-bit, half-assed fascist bastards they brought to power because they have a "culture of graft and corruption."

On top of this, these Ukrainian fascists have begun harassing the Crimeans by sporadically shutting down their electricity and water and threatening to raise the prices of electricity and water sky high.

Just like when the fascists came to power in Spain going into world War II; these fascists are going to push things to the limit in order to start World War III.

It won't be long before these fascist bastards start implementing austerity measures against their own people and all hell is going to break loose.

The Wall Street banker crooks don't trust the Ukrainian fascists with their money; the crooks don't trust the crooks... what a world!

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