We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

It really is quite difficult to argue with "lesser evil logic."

A Minimum Wage of $7.75 is better that a Minimum Wage of $7.25.

Obamacare is better than no care.

Obama makes a better president than Romney.

It's better to use drones because "boots on the ground gets Americans killed."

Hillary will be a better president than Scott Walker, Rick Snyder or Pat McCrory.

It's better to eat shit than starve.

It's better to be alive than dead... except when its better to be dead than "red."

Just read what head Democratic Party hack, linguist George Lakoff, writes about why Democrats are better than Republicans and you will understand all of this.

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