We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Friday, March 12, 2010

China reports on US human rights record



My comment was comment #29…


It is good that China begins to inform people of human rights abuses in the United States.

Your publication and the Chinese government should investigate the shameful and disgraceful human rights abuses taking place on Indian Reservations here in the United States where at the conclusion of the "Indian Wars" the United States government herded Native American Indians like cattle onto these "Indian Reservations" where hundreds of thousands of people languish in poverty with not enough to eat, substandard housing often unfit for rats to live in, lack of proper schools and healthcare and where between 60% to 80% of the population lives in poverty generation after generation because racist employers refuse to hire and affirmative action is not enforced by local, state or federal governments.

Here in the State of Minnesota with one of the largest Native American Indian populations in the United States, in spite of all the boasts that this is the world's greatest democracy, not one single Native American Indian sits in the Minnesota State Legislature or among it's U.S. federal Congressional delegation.

I would suggest that your newspaper send a reporter to Minnesota and find out what life is really like for the Native American Indians forced to live on the eleven Indian Reservations here in Minnesota under these disgraceful conditions compliments of the racist genocidal policies intentionally inflicted upon Native American Indians in our country by the state and federal governments.

We are not talking about this or that instance of abuse of human rights; we are talking about the human rights of an entire people being violated day-in-and-day out.

The largest employer of Native American Indians is in the casino industry where workers have no rights in their places of employment and workers are fired for participating in union organizing activities.

Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council

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