We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here is the point about "peace" and the AFL-CIO---


On the one hand Richard Trumka cannot continue to support the Israeli killing machine which is financed with OUR tax-dollars; while, on the other hand, saying he is for jobs because every dollar spent for war goes towards killing jobs--- unless of course, members of the AFL-CIO want to pay for these wars and pogroms killing off the Palestinian people.

Just understand, every penny spent on wars and militarism is money that is not available to fund projects creating jobs.

We can have jobs or wars--- we cannot have both.

Of course, you are correct, the best way to achieve peace when there is a war is through negotiation beginning with a handshake and concluding the the negotiation with another handshake confirming the peace.

However, there is another way of winning the peace; when one of the opponents is defeated in battle--- and right now, the entire Middle East can be described as people sitting atop a powder keg ready to blow, and the result might very well mean the end of Israel... a strange way to try to "save" the ones you claim to protect.

I don't think there has ever been any labor movement anyplace else in the world that has so slavishly and sheepishly supported the warmongering policies of it's government as has been the case with the AFL-CIO and then cried about unemployment and the need for jobs when the very support for these wars, in addition to killing and maiming people, results in killing jobs.

But, then again, what other labor federation supports the political party controlled by the same bosses it has to fight tooth-and-nail every single day?

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