We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Get rid of Collin Peterson

Alan L. Maki wrote
at 1:30pm

Do we really need another Republican in Congress? We should nominate someone to run for Congress who clearly sees that as long as Obama's dirty wars continue we will be robbed of the kind of socialized healthcare we are entitled to. Socialized healthcare would create almost ten-million new jobs in this country. Collin Peterson doesn't seem to be able to understand simple mathematical formulas:

Peace = Healthcare + Jobs

Let's nominate someone who will stand up for better lives for working people... let Collin Peterson go fight his own wars.

Speaking of "jobs, jobs, jobs;" what's the deal with the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party refusing to support affirmative action so we can begin to end this racist poverty on the Indian Reservations. People getting paid poverty wages working in these smoke-filled casinos are going to be poor and sick.

The Bemidji Regional Event Center is going up without Executive Order #11246 being enforced even though it is the law of the land.

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