We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama’s Healthcare Legislation: Everybody Knows the Deal is Rotten… some comments I posted on FaceBook.

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

David Sirota has done plenty to add to the confusion over the last several years or more... all these so-called liberals and leftists who tried to palm themselves off as progressives supporting Obama left this country sinking in a stinking rotting corrupt pit of confusion.

To this day we don't see the left coming together with a solid program on healthcare reform which can only be some kind of socialized healthcare... with the PNHP clinging to their "Americans want private delivery of healthcare" this hasn't helped matters either and the left has refused to challenge this crock of donkey dung.

I'm sure there are people in this country who actually get to chose their own doctors but I sure as hell am not wealthy enough to walk among these chosen few and I don't know a single person who gets to "chose their own doctor" for anything.

Here in Roseau County, Minnesota, our Democratic Farmer-Labor Party's bi-annual county convention passed a very clear resolution stating what we expected in the way of healthcare reform--- and, by the way it passed unanimously.

This is what we called for:

"No-fee/no-premium, comprehensive, all-inclusive universal healthcare from pre-natal to grave; publicly funded, publicly administered and publicly delivered."

The first person to speak in support of this resolution I wrote was a teacher who said: "Let me understand this; you want healthcare to be like our public schools?" I said, "That's right." And she said, "I'm all for it." The next guy who spoke said, "All I want to know is if this is socialized healthcare; if its another scam I'm not for it." I said, "That's what we are talking about, socialized healthcare." He said, "Good, I'm for it."

Up piped the Democratic Party hack they sent in from St. Paul to monitor us "radicals" and he said, "I want everyone here to know that Maki is a card-carrying Communist."

An old man rose shaking his cane and said, "We all support this, we all must be a bunch of Communists. We've talked about this long enough. I worked all my life and everything I worked for the doctors and the hospitals are taking away from me. I move we vote." The vote was seconded and passed unanimously... the party hack ran out into the hall and got on his cell phone and we never saw him again.

At the state DFL convention we worked out a compromise to support a single-payer universal healthcare resolution... the doctors from PNHP went on "strike" and refused to help because I toured the state calling single-payer the first step towards socialized healthcare.

Liberals and leftists went into the state convention and presented a progressive united front and we won a single-payer resolution... passing with 72%, the best single-payer resolution in the country because we refused to back down and give in--- it only took us six years to pass the resolution.

By the way... U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (then the DFL designated Senate candidate) stamped out of the convention and went right to the media saying she would never support legislation based on this resolution.

If we want to see socialized healthcare in this country in our life times we, as the left, had better put forward an alternative to Obama's crap and come out swinging because otherwise we are going to be stuck with what the Democrats have delivered--- nothing but one more payment to some insurance companies for policies that are good until needed.

Pay for socialized healthcare with funds cut from ending these dirty wars... a socialized healthcare system would create ten-million jobs.

In my opinion, the Wall Street coupon clippers who are using Barack Obama to run this country are afraid that socialized healthcare is going to lead to socialism :)



Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

Healthcare IS a human right... unless the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights is just a piece of paper meaning nothing.
Check it out:



Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

It's Not That the Health Care Bill Does Too Little Good, It's That It Does Too Much Harm



Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

Everybody Knows the Deal is Rotten.

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