We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The healthcare debate rages on… some more of my thoughts from FaceBook

Look, we wouldn't even have Medicare today if not for Claude "Red" Pepper and George McGovern... and the Democrats did their damndest to keep Claude "Red" Pepper from holding national office and the same Democrats went on strike rather than campaign for George McGovern with many top Democrats boasting they voted for Richard Nixon!

There is not one single member of the United States House or Senate that has the courage to stand up for the right to healthcare by all the people like Claude "Red" Pepper or George McGovern did... Obama could just as easily have pushed through socialized healthcare or even single-payer but he chose not to mobilize the very people who elected him based upon his calls for "hope" and "change."

I don't believe in the politics of "fear;" I believe in the politics of grassroots and rank and file movements and if we don't move now on single-payer or socialized healthcare we probably will never get healthcare reforms in this country until there is a socialist revolution--- which is beginning to look like the best alternative of all.

Check out what the Democratic Party machine did to Claude "Red" Pepper for advocating socialized healthcare; the very same socialized healthcare advocated by Franklin D. Roosevelt's Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, who was pilloried and attacked by the very same kind of Democrats pushing this "Health Insurance Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010."

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