We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Is the Tea Party Movement racist?

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

What we need is a program and agenda aimed at solving our problems... the Tea Party people have no solutions at all to any problems.

They talk about "fiscal responsibility" and say nothing about the need to end these dirty wars.

The Tea Party people talk about "limited government" but say nothing about the need to have a government of sufficient size for our public institutions to run efficiently.

The Tea Party people talk about "free markets" but refuse to discuss the fact that corporate monopolies, not mom and pop corner stores, dominate the economy today.

The Tea Party people condemn socialism yet the only institutions still functioning are our public institutions of which there are many--- have you ever tried creating a list of all of our public institutions? Try doing this. We couldn't survive a day without our many public institutions.

The Tea Party people claim they are not all a bunch of racists; but, have you ever heard anyone from the Tea Party Movement support affirmative action?

Ironically, in pushing Wall Street's agenda, Barack Obama is implementing Tea Party policies--- Barack Obama even refuses to insist on the enforcement of affirmative action.

The Tea Party people complain about Obama who is fulfilling their dreams--- it should be liberals, progressives and the left out in the streets demanding an end to these dirty wars, socialized healthcare and jobs with living wages for all with the strict enforcement of affirmative action until there is full equality or as it is stated in Executive Order #11246--- "a level playing field for all."


Is the Tea Party Movement racist? You bet it is. This reactionary movement is providing the ideological underpinnings which serve to shore up structural, systemic and institutionalized racism which drives down everyone’s standard of living to the lowest level of the victims of racist injustices. There can be no getting around the fact that the Tea Party Movement is racist to its very core.

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