We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tell the Democrats: We want peace, jobs, justice and healthcare!

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

Hopefully peace activists will turn out in force for the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party State Convention in Duluth this coming weekend--- April 23, 24, 25 (Saturday is the big day).

Bush and the Republicans started these dirty wars with full and complete support from the Democrats... now Barack Obama and the Democrats are carrying on these murderous wars all on their own--- they can't blame the Republicans for starting these wars since they were fully complicit and now the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves--- all of Minnesota's Congressional delegation has been complicit in many ways with these dirty wars that are killing people and killing jobs while depriving us of real healthcare reform.

The time has come for liberals and the left to unite in massive and powerful grassroots actions to end these dirty wars.

We need larger demonstrations in the streets; we need candidates challenging these two-faced, hypocritical Democrats in the primaries and we need peace candidates committed to social and economic justice running as independents or on a new party ticket in the general election.

If we are going to end these wars we simply can't keep voting for Democrats just because they are Democrats... we need to be voting for candidates who have the moral and political courage to stand for something.

Delegates to the MNDFL State Convention should have to pass through Minnesotans with signs saying:

No peace; no votes.
No real healthcare reform; no votes.
No jobs at living wages with enforcement of affirmative action; no votes.

Brian Melendez is trying to head off two very important resolutions at the MNDFL State Convention:

One calling for divesting from the Israeli killing machine.

The other for making support for enforcement of affirmative action in hiring part of the MNDFL's "Action Agenda."

This year, the well-heeled Summit Hill Club and the MNDFL Business Caucus dominate in delegates... out of nearly two-thousand delegates--- liberals, progressives and the left only have about 150 votes because Obama and the Democrats reneged on everything they said they would do and then did just the opposite. As a result... liberals, progressives and the left stayed away from the Precinct Caucuses in droves leaving all decision-making in the DFL in the hands of corporate attorneys like Brian Melendez and those like the Minnesota Indian Gaming Association.

The MNDFL State Convention will be nothing but an affair with all the decisions made before the convention is called to order so it is more important than ever people for peace, social and economic justice turn out... there is a very large balcony to fill and voices for peace and justice need to be heard loud and clear.

Don't allow Brian Melendez to silence voices for peace and social justice as he did at the 7th Congressional District Nominating Convention where no one else was allowed to run against that racist, warmonger Collin Peterson.

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