We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Repeal “at-will hiring, at-will firing” to build momentum for the Employee Free Choice Act

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

What we need is massive public works projects not these job-killing wars that are killing people, too. With wars raging costing billions construction will never re-start--- Biden doesn't even mention the need to enforce affirmative action. We already had a trillion dollar stimulus and communities of people of color never got jobs as their unemployment rates soared... 25% unemployment among construction workers--- 65% unemployment on Indian Reservations.

Let's just not pass EFCA; let's repeal "at-will hiring; at-will firing" the primary obstacle to union organizing in this country.

I would ask Richard Trumka and Richard Levis--- is anything going to be done by labor at the upcoming Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party State Convention in Duluth (this Fri., Sat. Sunday) to put a resolution on the floor for the repeal of "at will hiring; at will firing?" If not, why not?

Last time I tried to move such a resolution on the floor of the MNDFL State Convention the President and Vice-President of the MN AFL-CIO shamefully joined with business interests and opposed its passage... now here you come talking about the EFCA... let's get "at-will hiring; "at-will" firing" repealed here in Minnesota as an example to the other 27 states with similar Draconian legislation... this will build the struggle for the EFCA

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