We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

More on the Health Insurance Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010


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Sam, are you talking about the "Health Insurance Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010?"

Looks like you hit your thumb with the hammer instead of hitting the nail on the head. Ouch! Do you need to see a doctor?

Did you know that a socialized healthcare system paid for with funds cut from these dirty (imperialist) wars would create almost ten-million new jobs?

Here, do the simple math; the complicated stuff seems to be too difficult for you to figure out:

Peace = socialized healthcare + jobs

Is there anything here that might resemble something that used to be called "the Party line" back in the 20th Century?

Ever heard of "the people's front" for peace, jobs and justice?

You talk about the "multi-racial working class;" did it ever occur to you to include mention of the need to enforce affirmative action so people of color, women and the handicapped don't think they will be last in line for a job in country where unemployment is horrendously high even when the politicians are satisfied that it is low?

Here we are, everyone in the liberal, progressive & left community is talking about this healthcare legislation in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s great legacy of struggling for peace, healthcare, jobs with affirmative action and you are not only not mentioning the legacy of struggle Dr. King left us with, you are demeaning all those struggling on in his footsteps as you accept Wall Street's version of what constitutes a "reform."

You don't mention the millions of people who are living in poverty who don't have the healthcare they are entitled to because Obama and the Democrats have underfunded VA, the Indian Health Service and the National Public Health Service--- not to mention the fact that Obama and the Democrats are cutting home heating assistance by 25% and will be chopping programs from Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and family nutrition programs along with pre-natal care. Nor, has Obama done anything to halt the continuing foreclosures and evictions. So, figure it out Sam, re-do your math... where do the poor come out in your slick calculations taken from the Democratic Party's "play book?"


Posted by kickitupanotch, 04/04/2010 5:02pm

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