We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Richard Trumka… all bark, no bite

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

I like this advice; more working people should consider it:

"If you don't like who is leading, run for office"

Since I have posted my original comment I have had people send me similar lists from at least half the states.

I don't ever mind "agreeing to disagree;" but, at some point working people are going to have to consider and discuss that as long as organized labor keeps supporting the same candidates of the Democratic Party which is just as responsible for our problems as the Republicans if for no other reason than going along with the Republicans we will continue to be like a dog chasing its tail and getting no where.

Every other country in the world has a labor based political party... just look at Canada where organized labor has its New Democratic Party... for anyone who doesn't think that such a labor party makes a difference I would encourage them to look at the progress working people made here in Minnesota when the socialist Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party controlled state politics for almost ten years... or, a more recent example, the New Democratic Party control of the Manitoba, Canada government for much of the last 50 years... especially the NDP government led by Howard Pawley... perhaps the best ever government in North America and much of the world when it comes to workers and the racially and nationally oppressed and women having a strong participatory voice in government enabling them to actually have a real part in the decision-making process. Howard Pawley, the former NDP Premier of Manitoba is writing a book about all of this scheduled to be out in 2011... every single liberal/progressive/left political activist should obtain this book and hold discussions around it in their union halls, community centers, in schools and among church groups with a social conscience because it was with the NDP and the government he led that labor and the NDP really blazed some important trails with lessons for all of us to learn from.

Since about 1948 when McCarthyism and the associated political repression ripped the left to shreds in this country and prevented a real discussion of working class issues, we haven't seen many major social and economic advances in this country... mostly labor has been trying to hold on to the gains made in the 1930's with some important strides made in civil rights but only after the country was in flames with almost every major city burning... and now, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama refuse to even enforce Affirmative Action and they have a "bi-partisan committee" at work--- in complete secrecy--- set to begin the dismantling of Social Security, MediCare and MediCaid... and they even are slashing unemployment benefits while not lifting one finger to put an end to home foreclosures as public employees are being made the scapegoats for all our problems... just look at the way teachers were treated in Rhode Island... just the beginning.

And, what I found really shocking, is that almost every single Democrat who is part of this group Paul Stevens, in the above comment told us about: ALEC - the American Legislative Exchange Council is being supported by organized labor in spite of the fact that Richard Trumka declares:

"If politicians are fighting for working families, then we will work our hearts out for them. If they aren't delivering and think they can take our support for granted, then they may be awfully lonely come November."

Let's get real here... how can any politician who is a member of an organization like ALEC - the American Legislative Exchange Council, even be considered as worthy of receiving campaign contributions or any other kind of support from organized labor?

Which, again, begs consideration of my original comment:

"Trumka should provide a list of those Democrats the AFL-CIO is supporting so union members can determine if these candidates are worthy of their support."

Come on, let's get real here, this isn't about "liking" a candidate; this is about what these politicians do for the good of working people and the entire working class or how they are hurting us.

We are talking about the majority of the members of the House and Senate saying the supported the Employee Free Choice Act to get elected; then bailed out after the election.

When I tried to get a resolution through the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party's State Convention calling for rescinding our States, "At-will hiring; At-will firing" statutes, not only did the Blue Dog Democrats shout me down and call me names, but Ray Waldron, the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO had his little stooges out working the convention floor in opposition to my resolution claiming it would "tear the MN DFL apart."

Imagine, in this day and age where there is supposedly all this sensitivity and support for democracy and workers' rights, the government--- 28 state governments in this country--- actually intervene to enable employers to hire and fire "at-will."

And, by the way, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have never uttered one single word in their long political careers against "At-will" legislation and statutes nor is any candidate for the United States Supreme Court ever questioned about this country's "best kept little secret" as politicians boast to the entire world that "we are the world's greatest democracy" when the majority of the states in this country are allowed to rob every single working man and woman of their most basic and fundamental rights under "At-will hiring; At-will firing." And in states like North Dakota... organized labor continues to support Democrats who support "right to work"... right to work for less without any rights! Let Richard Trumka explain this because the head of political action for the AFL-CIO in North Dakota... Mark Froemke refuses to explain it.

The AFL-CIO is supporting Democrats who are wrong on the most basic and fundamental questions of importance to the working class and we aren't even talking about issues like the enforcement of affirmative action--- Executive Order #11246, or support for the Israeli killing machine.

Look at the recent and fresh example of Shirley Sherrod, a worker with the Department of Agriculture and how quickly so many Democrats with labor's backing jumped all over her without even knowing the facts... how many other federal and state employees are treated in the same manner by Democrats with labor backing? Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was backed by the AFL-CIO for years and he doesn't even have the common human decency to investigate charges made against a worker before arrogantly bringing this kind of pressure to bear on an individual to resign. Shameful... the AFL-CIO should be calling for Vilsack's resignation. Trumka pointed to Vilsack as one of Obama's great cabinet appointments!

For Richard Trumka's words to have any meaning or merit, these lists of Democratic Party candidates being backed by the AFL-CIO are going to have to be scrutinized using all new guidelines; guidelines that provide real teeth capable of biting to go along with the bark.

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