We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tell Obama what you think… I did on his FaceBook page…


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Barack Obama

Barack Obama It’s time to stop holding workers laid off in this recession hostage to Washington politics. We’ve got to stop blocking emergency relief for Americans who are out of work and extend unemployment insurance.

Offering Relief to the Unemployed


President Obama delivered a statement in the White House Rose Garden asking Republicans in the Senate to put politics aside and allow a vote on extending unemployment benefits to proceed.


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Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

The only way to extend relief to the unemployed is to first make sure every single unemployed person receives unemployment compensation that is the equivalent of a real living income and not this poverty check crap from the time they are without employment until the time they are gainfully employed at real living wage jobs.

Private enterprise--- big business or small--- is never going to be able to solve the massive unemployment problem presently confronting our Nation as this rotten capitalist system continues to collapse.

What is needed is for the federal government to step in with massive public works projects where the government is the employer.

We need to re-establish programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps and WPA only on more massive scales with real living wages.

Any government that can afford to fight these dirty wars, finance the Israeli killing machine and maintain over 800 military bases dotting the globe can afford such job creation programs providing meaningful employment to people while solving our country's many other problems from repairing and maintaining infra-structure to bringing the 3,700 closed mines, mills and factories back into operation as publicly owned enterprises producing what our society requires so everyone can live descent lives.

A national public healthcare system providing everyone in this country with free healthcare would create almost ten-million good, new jobs.

Barack Obama and the Democrats promised real change and all we got was more wars with growing poverty.

Keep in mind, when I go to the polls in November and in 2012 I will not be wasting my precious vote. I expect to get something in return for my vote. Wall Street has received plenty in return for its campaign contributions... now working people are entitled to get something for our votes.

No peace; no votes.
No healthcare reform; no votes.
No jobs; no votes.

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