We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The reality of Obama’s Wall Street agenda exposed by public school teacher from Michigan…

Arne Duncan, like President Obama, is a product of private schools. He displays no sense of partisanship toward public education. In order to qualify for RTT funds states have to allow for the creation of more charter schools despite the fact that, as studies indicate, these schools don't perform as well as public schools.

This administration's proposals go beyond those of the previous administration's "No Child Left Behind" in promoting the role of market forces in education. Their policies are aimed at undermining key union protections like seniority. While experience doesn't guarantee good teaching skills, it remains the most important indicator of teacher quality.

While the administration is busy promoting RTT, it is silent on the plight of public school workers who are losing their jobs due to privatization. Drivers, custodians, maintenance and food service workers are being kicked out the door in a tsunami of privatization across the country.

Ultimately, if we don't step up, in a few years, public school systems will be dismantled and market forces given free reign. Do we think public education is important? If so, we have to make a choice between this administration's education policies and support for the unions that are fighting to defend and improve public schools and to protect the jobs of the people who work in them.

By Mark Walton, 07/17/2010 10:53am

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