We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What can I say… when someone asks for my opinion they get it.

Jordan Redskin Farrar

Jordan Redskin Farrar

No other way to get there » peoplesworld


More and more, people are looking at socialism as that "better world" that's possible and necessary. But there's no direct path, no express train, to get there. At every new stage of struggle, the question is asked: what is to be done?  Everybody has his or her opinion ...and, not surprisingly, I do to...

See More

Friday at 12:18pm · Comment ·LikeUnlike · Share

Haymarket Presente and 2 others like this.



Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

Sam must have really been hitting the brews while writing this. Quite the imagination combined with the ability to be patient with the problems of working people. Maybe he will sober up in a few days.

Friday at 8:32pm · LikeUnlike ·




Jordan Redskin Farrar

Jordan Redskin Farrar

well chairman Maki what would you have said? Any productive ideas instead of just tearing down?

Yesterday at 4:47pm · LikeUnlike




Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

First of all I want to point out that the People's World is routinely banning and censoring views. No movements can ever be built when people are discourged from presenting their views. So, to begin with, Sam Webb is not serious in saying he is for dialog and discussion.

He rants about the "ultra-left" then immerses the Party in the U.S. Social Forum which is mainly people to the left of Mao and the center is the anarchists. Quite a joke when one considers that the CPUSA doesn't even reach out to the thousands of progressives in and around the Democratic Party other then to tell everyone: I vote for Democrats, too.

In fact, Webb's views border on an infantile leftism not even Lenin could have anticipated because Webb only moves into visibility with those who are prone to talk, but not to act.

I hope we have some accounting for what gains were made at the U.S. Social Forum because I know for a fact that had the CPUSA spent the same amount of time and resources with the workers at the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant discussing how to save this plant through public ownership it would have been time and resources better spent.

Not once in any of his writings has Webb ever explained to people how to get involved in the Democratic Party; only to vote Democrat... he then goes out among a bunch of anarchists and pushes to hold together the Obama coalition which doesn't now, nor never existed.

By the way; the only real reason for organized labor to make a showing at the U.S. Social Forum was to hire a bunch of middle class anarchists to peddle leaflets door-to-door for the Democrats this fall.

The very first thing I would suggest to every single Communist in this country is that they obtain a copy of Earl Browder's excellent book about how to build the people's front which is aptly named, "The People's Front." Get a little history of the CPUSA and an education about how and why to build coalitions and Communist Party Clubs at the same time... no other book compares.

Second; I would urge every single Communist to get two or three friends together and begin a discussion around this book with the intent of organizing a Communist Party Club in their neighborhood, school or where they work.

Third; I would suggest that in doing the above things Communists should get a leaflet out in their neighborhoods, schools, where they work and where they shop explaining to people how they don't have healthcare and the things they need because money is being spent on these dirty wars and we need to build organizations demanding that people come before Wall Street's profits.

Fourth; I would encourage everyone to write a letter to their editor along the line cited above.

Fifth; I would encourage a mass campaign:

No Peace; no votes.
No real health care reform; no votes.
No jobs with affirmative action enforcement; no votes.

Doing things like this puts us, like what Sam Webb likes to say, but not do, "in the mix."

Sam Webb is selling a line of bullshit plain and simple in trying to hoodwink anyone into believing that any kind of "coalition" exists around Barack Obama because this coalition has yet to be built.

Perhaps worst of all is that Sam Webb equates the labor leadership in this country with where the rank-and-file is at. Voting results demonstrate that the majority of the people are fed up, not only with the Republicans, but with the Democrats, too.

If Sam Webb was even the least bit involved in the very Democratic Party he is encouraging people to vote for; he would know that people have fallen out of participating in greater numbers than what Obama brought in. These people feel in overwhelming number they were "had" by Obama which is what is creating the biggest problem of all for the Democrats come November.

My final suggestion is that the Communist Party needs leaders who are honest and who will not sell out the Party's ideology of Marxism-Leninism for a few bucks as a quick fix to financial problems as Webb has done.

Anyone can look at Sam Webb's writings to determine that he is absolutely clueless about the problems people in this country are experiencing.

That anyone could be so stupid as to believe that Barack Obama can be looking out for Wall Street's interests in Toronto as he meets with the G-8/G-20 and then somehow have the best interests of the American people and the working class at heart only demonstrates how stupid Sam Webb is.

That we have "leaders" of the CPUSA going around claiming that Barack Obama is the leader of the "democratic people's front" proves that Webb is not capable of performing the tasks required.

My very first suggestion: Assign Sam Webb to building a Communist Club in his community working for peace and social and economic justice, and writing about his experiences so the Communist Party can get back to doing what Communist Parties are supposed to do: organize among working people in their communities and where they work.

By-the-way... how about putting up on facebook a list of everything the CPUSA distributed at the U.S. Social Forum and at the conference of the Campaign for America's Future... then we can begin a good discussion about what is being done correctly and incorrectly and how to fix the problems in the CPUSA because there isn't going to be any building of any kind of all-people's democratic front for peace, jobs, justice--- or socialism--- until the head of the Communist Party USA gets his head screwed on straight.

Since you asked, I would suggest that all of you working over there in the glass offices get yourselves copies of Earl Browder's, "The People's Front" so all of you know what a "people's front" really is.

For years I have heard the opponents of the Communist Party USA making the accusation that the CPUSA is nothing but a bunch of Browderites without Browder--- maybe this is something we should all be proud of... even when Browder went off track it didn't take him as long as Sam Webb to get back on track... and, even Browder never denounced the Soviet Union which is still a shining example of the way forward for peace, social and economic justice.

Here is a sample "Letter to the Editor" ( real one that really got published on the most important day of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party's State Convention... I am eager to hear Sam Webb's response to my letter (that's the other thing wrong with Sam Webb, the only way he knows how to have a discussion about anyone is behind their backs):

Money should go to health care and jobs, not wars
Duluth News Tribune
See the letter in the comment below, facebook has given me enough space to answer your question completely here so just check out my blogs for further answers to your question:
It's the blog Sam Webb has "banned" people from reading... lol!



5 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

My "Letter to the Editor:"
Money should go to health care and jobs, not wars
Duluth News Tribune

« Readers view

Reader's view: Money should go to health care and jobs, not wars

Published: April 24, 2010 12:00:00 AM CDT

Barack Obama has turned out to be just one more Wall Street flim-flam man and con artist posing as a president while selling health insurance on the side. Here we are spending billions on wars with unemployment soaring as the economy collapses. With Obama’s health-care reform, the for-profit health-care system is in an even bigger mess.

Listening to Democrats making excuses for Obama has been sickening. People voted for peace and got more war. People voted for health-care reform and got a health insurance industry bailout and profit maximization act. The Democrats scream, “Jobs, jobs, jobs!” and we get more unemployment and poverty-wage jobs.

Common sense tells us to end these dirty wars and use the money to pay for a world-class, socialized, health-care system, providing free health care for all, which would create as many as 10 million new jobs with the enforcement of affirmative action.

Every single delegate to the Minnesota DFL State Convention in Duluth should have to pass through a gauntlet of warriors for peace and social justice, insisting on the change they voted for. If we can’t get peace with social justice out of the Democratic Party, we are going to have to look elsewhere —possibly start a new political party.

Alan L. Maki
Warroad, Minnesota.
The writer is a delegate to the 2010 Minnesota DFL State Convention in Duluth.

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