We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Communist Party USA leader takes me to task on FaceBook… lol!

Rossana Cambron

Rossana Cambron

I agree with Dan, what Alan fails to see is that who is ready to follow him in his ideas? If the forces where there, then we would see them, the bigger question is, how do we get to the point in our history where the majority of people will understand the need to fully change this system and more importantly are willing to take part in that change. Alan was not even at the convention, so why does he comment as if he were there and attempt to miss lead people about the CPUSA?

about an hour ago ·



Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

Rossana... very few Americans--- or anyone else--- were at the CPUSA convention... which was the smallest ever in the Party's history and it was small by design with only those who were selectively invited allowed to attend. It would be relatively simple to post videos of the ENTIRE convention on the internet for everyone to see what was said and what went on. Why is this not being done?

What ideas am I expressing that are so far out? It would help if you would be more specific so we can have a dialog.

I would have been happy to attend the Convention and had a debate with Sam Webb over these issues.

Why don't you set up a debate between me and Webb out in California so everyone can participate.

The problem is, to a large extent, is that Webb does not have to defend his ideas.
Webb calls for Communists and working people to vote Democratic as the solution to the problems of working people yet the CPUSA doesn't even have a well thought out and organized approach to working inside the Democratic Party fighting for the best interests of the working class. This is a classless, non-struggle approach to politics that is the direct opposite of the way Communists have ever worked in any organization.

Since 72% of the delegates--- of which I was one and a member of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party State Central Committee, both positions I was elected to--- voted for the resolution on single-payer universal health care which I authored and moved from the convention floor, I find your remarks to be insulting and a complete mis-reading of where the American people are at. My remarks to the convention on several issues, including peace, single-payer, the need to rescind at-will hiring/at-will firing, divestment from Israel have drawn long standing ovations even though I was heckled from the corporate crowd as a "communist."
At the last MNDFL State Convention held in Duluth, Minnesota where Sam Webb's colleagues had no noticeable presence except for Erwin Marquit typing away on his lat-top as if he was engaged in the most important activity while things like affirmative action were being brought to the convention floor, this letter to the editor I wrote was published in Duluth's daily newspaper, the Duluth News-Tribune, on the biggest day of the convention:


Money should go to health care and jobs, not wars

Duluth News Tribune

Reader's view: Money should go to health care and jobs, not wars

Published: April 24, 2010 12:00:00 AM CDT

Barack Obama has turned out to be just one more Wall Street flim-flam man and con artist posing as a president while selling health insurance on the side. Here we are spending billions on wars with unemployment soaring as the economy collapses.

With Obama’s health-care reform, the for-profit health-care system is in an even bigger mess.

Listening to Democrats making excuses for Obama has been sickening. People voted for peace and got more war. People voted for health-care reform and got a health insurance industry bailout and profit maximization act. The Democrats scream, “Jobs, jobs, jobs!” and we get more unemployment and poverty-wage jobs.

Common sense tells us to end these dirty wars and use the money to pay for a world-class, socialized, health-care system, providing free health care for all, which would create as many as 10 million new jobs with the enforcement of affirmative action.

Every single delegate to the Minnesota DFL State Convention in Duluth should have to pass through a gauntlet of warriors for peace and social justice, insisting on the change they voted for. If we can’t get peace with social justice out of the Democratic Party, we are going to have to look elsewhere —possibly start a new political party.

Alan L. Maki
Warroad, Minnesota.

The writer is a delegate to the 2010 Minnesota DFL State Convention in Duluth.


Now, I don't recall reading anything you or Sam Webb have written or said or done inside of the Democratic Party in a way that brings forward any of these working class issues. Perhaps you fear the wrath of Barack Obama, who you have designated the "brilliant leader of the democratic peoples front" who is at this very minute engaged in trying to undermine Social Security and Medicare as he wages these dirty imperialist wars... all of which is in complete opposition to what the majority of the American people are for.

You can be self-satisfied that you are "in the mix" as you hold up the donkey's tail expecting working people to live on what the sparrows leave behind... but, why don't you try being a little more specific in your criticisms of me and what I write, say and do.

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