We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A comment on the G-20 protests

Alan L. Maki


Story commented on:


Alan L. Maki

It is wrong to portray these activities and actions of these anarchists as "militant." Call them what they are: divisive. What could be more "militant" than tens of thousands of working class families peacefully marching behind banners proclaiming "People First" as they expose the profit before people and nature motives of these big-business interests who created so many problems and now expect working people to silently acquiesce to them making greater profits from their so-called solutions which will only create more misery and suffering for working class families. If the truth be known, most of these anarchists come from families that don't have to scrounge to try to make ends meet from pay-check to pay-check. The more thousands peacefully marching behind banners of "People First," the more "militant" this demonstration will be because it will help to expose the nature of what these big bankers and big- business interests are trying to do. These anarchists don't build working class movements on a day-to-day basis for real change; they try to take advantage of the organizing of others. Instead of giving in to these anarchists people should enter into open and vigorous dialog with them over their completely futile, useless and destructive tactics. Which is more productive: More thousands of people marching to demonstrate that working people do not accept what these Bay Street and Wall Street bankers are doing to the people with their wars that breed poverty, unemployment and rob the people of healthcare, education and housing; or having a fence torn down? Anarchism has never led to an improvement in the lives of working people and it never will. Change requires education, organization, unity and action--- in this situation what is called for is the largest numbers of people marching peacefully through the streets exposing the ruinous direction the multi-national corporations, the bankers and the politicians they own are trying to push the world in... there is only one alternative to this reactionary course, and that is to put "People First." This is all about working people organizing to become the real decision-makers, and anarchists tearing down a stupid fence instead of organizing to bring even larger numbers of people out into the streets doesn't get working people one step closer to this objective. That any working class family should have to fear bringing their children to a demonstration because a few anarchists want to attack a fence to make some kind of point is pathetic.

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