We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Melendez must go…

That Brian Melendez, who Chairs the MNDFL, is smothering democracy in the MNDFL as effectively as any Tea Bagger--- this should surprise no one.


Brian Melendez through his innumerable actions has demonstrated he is a bigot. His racism extends to the Native American Indian Community as it does to the Palestinian people. The last DFL State Central Committee meeting in Bemidji, Minnesota was picketed by Native American Indians with signs declaring "... Melendez Must Go" because of his racist treatment of Native American Indians in the MNDFL.

The Democratic Party here in Minnesota has a long and shameful history going back to the days when it supported slavery and cheered on the racist hanging of the Dakotas in Mankato.

There is nothing left of the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party; the MNDFL has reverted back to its own racist, corrupt self and Brian Melendez is a perfect example of this racism and corruption. What kind of human being would try to force his own biased and bigoted views on others by conniving through all kinds of underhanded manipulations to prevent members of the MNDFL from having a say about the need to stop the Israeli killing machine or try to prevent something as basic and fundamental to human rights like a resolution in support of affirmative action (Executive Order #11246) from being voted on by delegates after it has become widely known delegates and Minnesotans want to have a say on these issues. Under the control of Zionist Brian Melendez democracy in the MNDFL is squashed in the same manner Rachel Corrie was crushed by a huge Caterpillar Dozer.

There is no democracy in the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party... he who has the money rules be it AIPAC or the Minnesota Indian Gaming Association and Brian Melendez a well-heeled multi-millionaire attorney is employed by Faeger and Benson, a huge law firm which does work for both the casino industry and AIPAC and Israel which is kind of like letting someone like Meyer Lansky Chair the MNDFL.

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