We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Say good riddance to Rahm Emmanuel and all out to Toronto June 26-27…

only should Rahm Emmanuel be kicked out the door, Obama should also be shown the door is being held open for his own exit by fed-up and disgusted voters awaiting his exit in the upcoming election unless we get the peace, jobs and social and economic justice he and his phony liberal, progressive and left supporters led people to believe was going to be the result.

No one should hold their breath waiting for anything other than superficial changes coming with this game of musical chairs in the Obama Administration intended to once again hoodwink the American people into believing Obama is something other than a voice for Wall Street's thoroughly reactionary profits before people agenda.

Canadian labour is leading the way with demonstrations at the G-20 Summit in Toronto by insisting on an alternative agenda of "People First." Without a progressive agenda based upon people before profits we will not be able to isolate and defeat Obama and his Wall Street friends.

People should not be mislead to believe this game of musical chairs with Rahm Emmanuel leaving is anything other than part of Madison Avenue's attempt to help Wall Street maintain its dominance in American and World politics in a way intended to force the working classes of every country to now pay for the problems these Wall Street parasites have created on their own in their gluttonous drive for maximum corporate profits.

For a real alternative to Wall Street's agenda we need to create a progressive agenda the American people can unite around--- in league with, and in solidarity with, the peoples of the world struggling for human rights, dignity and social and economic justice: Jobs, peace, education through an end to this senseless militarism and war tantamount to dumping the wealth of nations into the deepest depths of the ocean which will help to pay for the solutions to our problems along with these Wall Street coupon clippers being forced to cough up the wealth (tax the rich) they have stolen to pay for the solutions to the problems of their own making; working people have been excluded from all the decisions so we have no responsibility for these problems--- our responsibility is to now solve these problems in a way the lives, well-being and livelihoods of working people will be better.

Make your way to Toronto to join protests led by the Ontario Federation of Labour. The "leaders" of the G-20 [ http://www.g20.utoronto.ca/ ] will, again, be collaborating in secercy behind the backs of the people June 26-27 to make working people pay as Wall Street, Bay Street and The Square Mile coupon clippers profit from the misey and suffering they are subjecting working people to as they once again seek to reap huge profits under the guise of "problem solving."

If you can't make it to Toronto to march behind the "People First" banners of the Ontario Federation of Labour, find a way to show support and solidarity in your local community--- perhaps with a demonstration or vigil creating awareness citing Obama's participation as a spokesman for Wall Street's interests... or even a letter to the editor.

The FBI and Royal Canadian Mounted Police are hard at work trying spending over one-billion dollars in a campaign to exclude the people and to discredit the popular leader of the Ontario Federation of Labour, Sid Ryan, who has had the forsight to lead the working class behind the banners of "People First" to show the world there is an alternative to the international bankers and corporate agenda.

While Obama goes to Toronto to conspire against the beat interests of working people, his administration is warning Americans to stay out of Toronto on June 27 to 27--- that should signal working people that Toronto is the place to be marching behind the "People First" banners of the Ontario Federation of Labour.

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