We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

And the Communist Party leader comes back with another brilliant response to me…

Rossana Cambron

Rossana Cambron

(Alan) Dialog is good when it is between two mature adults, your insults and misrepresentation of the facts tells me you are not there yet, I wish you the best in your struggle for a better world, we will all get there some day.

about an hour ago ·



Alan L. Maki

Alan L. Maki

Rossana, why don't you set the record straight? Apparently for you facts are insults. First you insult me and refuse to provide one single specific to back up what you say from what I said, and now I respond to your insults with more facts and specifics and you claim I am misrepresenting the facts but you don't specify anything. You never intended for this to be a dialog or you would have been specific in your accusations to begin with.

Why don't you enlighten us all to the strategy that guides the work of the Communist Party in the Democratic Party? There must be some document you can post.

Come on Rossana, let's take this one issue at a time. Let's start with peace and ending the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan... has the CPUSA National Convention, the National Committee or the National Board developed a plan of action for work in the Democratic Party from the grassroots going up through precinct caucuses, the various local and state conventions up to the national convention?

Is there anything that is part of the CPUSA tactics and strategy that goes beyond merely calling for members and others to "vote for Democrats?"

Can you produce one single leaflet with the name of the CPUSA or some organization initiated by CPUSA clubs that has been distributed door-to-door, at precinct caucuses, at local or state conventions or the national Democratic Party convention suggesting a very basic resolution people are asked to support--- or, even a suggestion that the efforts of some other organization should be supported? Publish the leaflet right here for all of us to see.

Al Marder told me that the U.S. Peace Council has been inactive because, "We can't afford to print leaflets or newsletters." Have those Communists involved in the U.S. Peace Council made any efforts to solve this problem?

Here, check out the U.S. Peace Council's website; is there any valid or legitimate reason it has not been updated for YEARS?


The G-8/G-20 meetings are taking place in Toronto with the "leader of the democratic people's front" (Barack Obama) scheming with the Wall Street coupon clippers and bankers and other centers of world finance and industry against working people here in this country and around the world--- where is there any analysis about any of this (along with a call to action) in Toronto this week? Has the CPUSA "leadership" done one single thing these past months in an effort to cooperate with Communist Parties from around the world to issue a response to these imperialists intending to drive down the standard of living of working people?

I question: Where is your ideological "maturity" on any of these issues?

Would you like to discuss the intentional refusal on the part of the
Obama Administration to enforce affirmative action? Executive Order #11246. The very first national administration since it was signed in 1965 which has refused to enforce EO #11246 and not one single word from the "leadership" of the CPUSA about this.

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