We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Entire Communist Party USA leadership under the “guidance” of Dan Margolis and Joel Wendland now come out swinging with sissy punches packed with lies and ambiguities they cannot defend while attacking questions they refuse to answer… lol!

What Dan Margolis fails to acknowledge is that there is a very wide gap between union members and union leaders. This gap between union membership and union leadership is proving just as difficult to bridge as between grassroots Democratic Party activists and Democratic Party leaders and the politicians. Just as there is a very wide gap in what people on a grassroots level of involvement in the Democratic Party expect from the Democratic Party and its candidates and what the money people actually do. Workers go to local union meetings with their problems and they go to DFL precinct caucus meetings with their problems. In each it is just as difficult for a working person to have any say. Whoa unto those who dare venture forth with an opinion contrary to the leaders or with an issue the leaders do not want to discuss.

Another thing Dan Margolis forgets to mention is that the majority of the people in this country want nothing to do with the Republicans or Democrats. Have you seen the polls lately? When I go to my local peace meetings I don't find any support for the Democrats. I asked three of my friends why they stopped going to their union meetings. They said they got fed up hearing about how they need to support the Democrats and get nothing from them. These people are not ultra-lefts by any stretch of the imagination.

Dan Margolis are you now retracting your statement that Barack Obama is some kind of "leader of the broad democratic people's movement?"

Dan Margolis is it possible union leaders have been wrong about Obama looking out for the interests of working people? Do you see any hint that Obama in his meetings with the G8-G20 in Toronto is saying or doing anything in the interests of working people here in our own country or other places in the world? If so what?

Dan you are making a major mistake and blunder in suggesting that the Communist Party needs to be where the leaderships of organizations are at because if these leaderships are not where they should be in relation to what working people need to solve their very real problems (like on health care) the Communist Party has the responsibility of working in the best interests of working people and the oppressed not with leaders of organizations whose policies and positions don't reflect the interests of their members. One example, other than health care, that comes readily to mind is these wars. Examine all the unions and organizations you are alluding to and what are their positions on ending the wars? The Communist Party has the role of working with working people and union members at the grassroots and rank and file level to help push unions to take positions and engage in struggles reflecting the best interests of the working class and then getting these workers into the leadership positions.

The Communist Party has the opportunity to influence some 20,000 activists at the U.S. Social Forum... post the actual leaflets and the list of materials being distributed there for us to discuss. Or, do we have to go to Detroit in order to read these things?

Dan, you have repeatedly stated that people are within the orbit of the Democratic Party and you dishonestly withhold that there are now many people engaged in politics outside of the Democratic Party but worse yet, neither you nor any of these other leaders saying the same thing can explain what you or they are doing within this "orbit" other then you cast votes for Democrats. We have seen no leaflets; we have seen no resolutions; we have heard no reports. Accountability from leadership is a pretty important thing... working people don't want leaders who are "do as I say, not as I do."

Gus Hall used to send out packets and packets of leaflets people had been writing and distributing; petitions; newspaper articles; there were real "letters to the editor" written by Communists and our friends that got published; he wrote practical "how to" articles; he called people to ask how the National Office could help their Clubs... yes, real active  Communist Party USA Clubs... not just the "paper clubs" you have created for the purpose of hand-picking delegates for a controlled, manipulated and staged national convention that couldn't even fill one small hall which you want to now pass off as this phony "party unity" around a flawed strategy.

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