We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Minnesota politics just created a massive vacuum for liberals, progressives and the left to fill…

Now is the time for liberals, progressives and the left to clearly articulate an agenda for real change where the needs of people come before corporate profits and real reforms are paid for with peace dividends derived from ending these dirty wars.

The sooner we free ourselves from the two-party trap the better and now is the time to do this... Mark Dayton will be facing opposition from not only Republicans but most of his own Democrats... what a shame... will he come to the same conclusion Rudy Perpich did that real change will only come through the creation of a new political party? Hopefully Dayton draws this conclusion sooner rather than later because the closer he placed himself to Obama the more he placed his own campaign in jeopardy... we are very fortunate there wasn't time for another Obama or Biden visit to Minnesota.

Brian Melendez and the corporate Democrats should be driven from the leadership of the MNDFL... these corporate Democrats distributed more Margaret Anderson-Kelliher t-shirts for the state DFL convention than what they produced in yard signs for Mark Dayton.

Mark Dayton received mere lip-service support from this corporate DFL leadership.

In fact, Mark Dayton owes his victory to the Warriors for Justice who nominated him on the state DFL convention floor which showed Minnesota Democrats that Margaret Anderson-Kelliher, the choice of corporate Democrats, was a loser. Without this massive demonstration of support shown for Dayton from the grassroots DFL'ers on the state convention floor, the nomination of Margaret Anderson-Kelliher would have been a done deal and we would have another worthless Republican Governor.

We have seen how independent political initiatives properly organized can bring about real change... if Mark Dayton is smart he will meet with Nicole Beaulieu and Greg Paquin as one of his first orders of business to determine how affirmative action will be enforced.

The racist arrogance of Jim Oberstar finally was responsible for doing him in... it is just too bad that liberals, progressives and the left didn't rise to the occasion to defeat this epitome of corrupt politics long ago.

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