We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

More on China…

Alan L. Maki

I don't see anything in the present Chinese policies that is bellicose or war-like... for a nation to go to war takes some doing on the part of the government in "pumping up" of its people for war. We would be seeing and hearing this in the Chinese media if it were going on. This question and the problems of Tibet that always come up is not the result of the modern-day government of China--- all kinds of feudal war-lords and "nobility" as well as all kinds of foreign countries have tried to dominate Tibet... it is safe to say, that if Tibet was not an autonomous region of China that the violent strife would be even worse as these different feudal factions of "nobility" war with one another much like our gangs do here.

What China could do and what China does do, I think, are two very important distinctions.

I talk to many Chinese people visiting the United States in various capacities... never do I hear any suggestion of any kind of bellicose belligerence towards the United States from any of the people. I read Chinese publications (English translations) very regularly and there are no war-like statements. Occasionally I watch the Chinese television network on cable--- there is nothing there suggesting any intent to want war with anyone. Is the Chinese Navy conducting military exercises with-in view of any of our beaches? No.

I am sure the Chinese are not pacifists; like a rattlesnake I am sure if provoked they will attack with a vengeance, why wouldn't they?

We have no more to fear from China than Mexico or Canada... neither of which treats their indigenous populations all that well... but, then again, life isn't a bowl of cherries for the indigenous populations of these countries and I don't hear many complaints from our elected officials calling for self-determination and their right to secede; how are things in Tibet compared to life on any Indian Reservation or ghetto or barrio in this country? I hear the calls for sovereignty from Indian Nations all across this country--- I wonder how it would be received if the Chinese used the same methods insisting for full sovereignty for Indian Nations as what our government demands from China regarding Tibet? I bet there would be no shortage of U.S. business people, mining and forestry companies who would just love to see a "free" Tibet ruled over by a small group of "noblemen" ordering their "free" people to work like slaves.

Yes, in addition to those countries you mention, the Chinese also came to the aid of the Koreans when the United States tried to impose capitalism through a fascist dictatorship on the Korean people who had just freed themselves from the Japanese.

And, the Red Army proved to be very good fighters--- on our side (when our side was the right side)--- in the war against Japan.

There is no question the Chinese Red Army can fight wars--- but, I don't see the Red Army of China in any other country any place in the world today--- except for in China. And there is nothing to suggest they will be attacking us or anyone else--- except for maybe some feudal lords of nobility in Tibet--- and then, only in response to their violence. I don't see the police in this country standing by while anarchist gangs have fun kicking out bank windows.

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