We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Someone asked me what I thought about immigration…

Alan L. Maki November 6 at 5:57pm

Borders? I assume you mean immigration policies?

My position is that working people should be able to cross borders as freely as capital in quest of a better life and improved livelihoods just like corporations have been crossing borders freely in quest of cheap labor and cheap resources.

In fact, if other governments had worker and people friendly governments with decent work and living conditions people wouldn't be trying to get into the United States.

The other thing; if politicians would end this message to the world that the United States is this great bastion of democracy insinuating that the streets are paved with gold and told the world the real life stories of how hard life is for most working people no one would want to come here.

Add in the facts of American racism and how people of color are mistreated and I can just about guarantee you are southern borders won't even need a "do not enter" sign to dissuade "illegal" immigration.

I don't believe there is any such thing as an "illegal immigrant;" if there is, the only people living in this country who could pass the test would be Native American Indians and I doubt we would hear many Native Americans begging the rest of us to stay if we threatened to pick up and leave the country.

I find it rather ironic a bunch of descendants from murderous and genocidal "settlers" now want to dictate who can stay and who has to leave the country and here we are underwriting all the costs for illegal immigrants to occupy the lands inhabited by Palestinians who are being treated pretty much like Native American Indians.

How come illegal immigration to occupied Palestinian lands is not only supported, but underwritten with our tax-dollars, by just about every single member of the U.S. Congress but they don't want people coming here looking for work and better lives?

I have never seen such hypocrisy on any issue like what exists on immigration in our country today.

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