We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Peace is at the center of every question and these dirty wars are the primary barrier to solving our pressing problems…

  • I don't mean to suggest that everything else needs to be set aside to take up the question of peace; instead, in my opinion, peace needs to be emphasized in all the struggles for social and economic justice but I seriously doubt that as long as our tax-dollars and resources are being squandered on these wars we will be solving many problems. There is now a crisis of everyday living for tens of millions of people in this country and around the world when it comes to food, housing and healthcare and we should advocate without let-up for solving all problems surrounding the denial of these basic necessities of life for people. Here in the United States the questions of food and housing can be addressed and resolved merely by the proper response of a change in government policies and programs... food prices should be brought under strict control since government handouts to big agri-businesses have resulted in monopoly price-fixing and the same big agri-businesses are still being paid NOT to produce food through reactionary and regressive tax policies and all kinds of government subsidies to big agri-businesses not to produce food. As far as housing... the first order of business has to be a moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions and the Wall Street banks should be ordered to allow the millions of people who have been foreclosed on and evicted to move back into their homes... on top of this, we have millions of good quality unsold homes and unrented apartments in this country sitting vacant... people without homes and those living in substandard housing should be moved in and if there is still a housing problem we should move to have the government fully underwrite Habitat for Humanity and expand the program as needed.
    Solving the healthcare mess is very simple if the needs of people for access to healthcare are placed before corporate profit... the only thing required is that we take the exact same approach to healthcare as we take towards education--- we need a fully national public healthcare system providing free healthcare through neighborhood healthcare centers... this would create around ten-million new jobs. The exact same approach should be taken towards childcare: a national public childcare system.
    There are a variety of ways to pay for all of this which the majority of the American people will find acceptable... end the wars and use the resources and funds for these social needs, tax the hell out of the rich... when it comes to healthcare and childcare, I am sure that most people in this country would be more than willing to finance these two very important public services the same way we do Social Security... after all, it was this last method of financing that was advocated by Frances Perkins, Franklin Roosevelt's Secretary of Labor, who called for national public healthcare and national public childcare which together would create some 15,000,000 new jobs.
    I think we have got to put before the American people the fact that the only way to very quickly create decent jobs with good living wages that will give working people money to spend on the things they require for full and complete lives that is key to economic recovery is to create jobs solving the problems of the people... there is only one way to economic recovery and that way is to work our way out of this economic depression; not spend out way out in a way that enables Wall Street to reap greater profits.
    The time has come to put people before corporate profits of Wall Street.
    I do find it interesting that Wall Street thrives while most people suffer and the greatest profits Wall Street reaps are the profits caused by the greatest human misery of all: wars.

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