We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Minnesota U.S. Senator Amy “Republican Lite” Klobuchar…

Wants to give life prison sentences to those who released government documents through Wikileaks.

Amy "Republican Lite" Klobuchar... she is one of the reasons Democrats suffered such setbacks at the polls... Democrats can only go so far to the right trying to secure the votes from the well-heeled middle class suburbia and the gated communities before they create a base for Republicans... figure it out... how far to the right can these Democrats move before liberals, progressives and the left--- the historic coalition for real change aimed at solving the problems of working people--- don't bother showing up at the polls. And to top it off, Klobuchar has joined Obama's attack on public workers! She supports two wars and drone attacks on Pakistan, voted to increase the national debt which will mean austerity for America's workers; her candidacy is bank-rolled by the huge health insurance companies, the military industries, big banks, the mining companies, the grain cartels and the power generating industries... plus she is supported by union leaders--- the same ones who backed Obama--- including public workers' unions whose members are now being run over by Obama's speeding bus.

The consider this: Democrats could have brought people out to the polls in droves and trounced the Republicans just by ending these dirty wars and redirected the money towards two huge job creating programs solving the problems of the people at the same time by creating some 15 million jobs through a National Public Health Care System and a National Public Child Care System providing people with free services in each area PLUS with all these people working and paying into Social Security there could be an increase in both benefits and an expansion into more programs.

Amy "Republican Lite" Klobuchar... add repression for telling the truth that has embarrassed the United States government to the list of Dumb Donkeys.

Alan L. Maki

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