We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do some people not understand Barack Obama is right-wing?

Alan L. Maki

Rossana; the problem is, for working people the glass is neither half-full nor half-empty... for working people there is nothing in the glass... it is simply empty.
Why shouldn't I be as quick to criticize Obama as you are quick to support him and the Democrats? Movements cannot be built around supporting candidates like Obama. Movements are built around issues advancing solutions to the problems working people are experiencing.

I would note that I stated the video was very good... it was the captions which were dishonestly placed on the video which I was taking issue with.

Obama is part of the right-wing that you refer to... how could anyone supporting Wall Street's agenda be anything except for right-wing?

As I am sure you will admit, Obama is not a liberal, he is not a progressive and he is definitely not left-wing even though he had one of the best left-wing advisors growing up in Frank Marshall Davis from whom he learned all the correct rhetoric to try to conceal the reactionary agenda he is bringing forward. Barack Obama is a reactionary trying to conceal Wall Street's reactionary agenda in liberal and left-wing rhetoric--- very clever, indeed; he may not be as "bad" as Sara Palin; but, he is definitely attacking, not helping, the working class.

"Movement building" has become very difficult given the confusion surrounding Obama with many liberals, progressive and even those on the left being hoodwinked--- and often badgered--- into supporting Obama.

I would sincerely encourage you to reassess Barack Obama and what he is doing from a working class perspective.

I assume my dissatisfaction with "the system" is the same as your dissatisfaction with this rotten capitalist system which thrives on corruption and racism.
Don't you find it noteworthy that Obama and his Administration has become the very first Administration to refuse to enforce affirmative action on all of these stimulus funded projects since Lyndon Johnson signed Executive Order #11246 into law? Talk about being right-wing, Obama is a right-winger's dream come true.
Anyone who knows me understands that I would be the first one calling for support for Obama if I thought for a minute that what he was doing was to advance peace and raise the living standards of working people. I am not against the Democratic Party in any way except when what they do is wrong... in fact, I have been among the most vigorous and outspoken supporters of Mark Dayton, the Democratic candidate for governor here in Minnesota who has come out advocating a program of "tax the rich," and for the strict enforcement of affirmative action. In fact, Mark Dayton publicly sought my support in his campaign to become Minnesota's next governor. I sincerely doubt if I was as pessimistic as what you would lead people to believe that the Democratic candidate for governor would have so enthusiastically sought my support and help... of course, most of Obama's top supporters, the well-heeled, in the Democratic Party here in Minnesota are calling Mark Dayton, "crazy."

I might suggest that if it is difficult for you to make the distinction between a liberal with some progressive ideas backing the left-wing agenda of "tax the rich" you check out this YouTube video of Mark Dayton speaking to the Minnesota DFL State Central Committee meeting and compare Dayton's approach to problems with Obama's:


I did not attack you personally; I criticized the video for very specific reasons and instead of responding to my criticisms you come out defending Obama and attacking me... why, I don't know... perhaps after you view this YouTube video we can have a more amicable conversation about what is liberal, progressive, left-wing and right-wing and what kind of policies and programs Obama should advance before he is worthy of working class support... also, note the huge difference between the way Dayton views public employees like teachers with what Obama has done.

I would also encourage you to consider Obama's intent to use this Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform to attack Social Security and our public institutions which are, when all is said and done, an attack on social programs... was not Obama's attack on the Food Stamp Program a thoroughly right-wing, reactionary attack aimed at shoring up institutionalized racism?

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