We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Sunday morning sermon: The extremely wealthy stay in the background as they financing and fueling campaigns of hate in the name of religion…

Alan L. Maki

It always amazes me how much hate takes place in the name of religions all claiming to have a moral compass for humankind... one reason why I am adherent of modern scientific materialism.

Personally, I would rather see public day care centers, public schools and public health care centers going up instead of churches, synagogues or mosques... all of which we have plenty of in this country and most of these buildings just set idle most of the time except when people are being taught to be intolerant of one another or when the ministers, rabbis and imams aren't giving their blessings to go out and kill one another.

But, with this said; we all know there wouldn't have been a peep from anyone if a church or synagogue was being built, don't we? And the result has been a very typical good old American despicable display of plain old racist bigotry towards Muslims that is now tearing away at our social fabric feeding the two-bit half-assed fascists in the Tea-bagger movement financed by the Koch family that is riddled with John Birchers and KKK'ers who have been looking for a way to spread their message of hate.

The only good thing about any of this is that most Americans are very good people who would never indulge in crimes of hate, and in response to this bigotry there always arises a movement to combat these campaigns of hate... just as movements for peace arise to oppose unjust imperialist wars for occupation and movements arise in opposition to poverty.

Unfortunately, since these movements in opposition to racism always come from the grassroots working class people, it sometimes takes a little longer to get organized and going because of lack of funds while these movements based upon hate are always funded by the extremely wealthy... maybe since these wealthy people have so much money to spare to finance racist bigotry and hate we should just consider relieving them of a substantial portion of their wealth by taxing the hell out of the rich to pay for things like public healthcare and public childcare and public education.

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