We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Don’t just fire Simpson; abolish the commission

Alan L. Maki

Social Security and all of its associated programs should be expanded with benefits increased to provide people with real living incomes. Obama has created this dastardly and contemptible "Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform" for... the express and implicit purpose of attacking Social Security and all the excellent programs it includes. That he placed Alan Simpson, a Neanderthal, as one of the co-chairs demonstrates Obama's own contempt for the working class. Now, as an election eve ploy, Democrats and their loyal partners leading organized labor are calling for Simpson's removal when the call should be for the complete abolition of the commission. "Fiscal responsibility" requires the government financing more universal social programs like Social Security not putting Social Security on the chopping block. Every universal social program created creates new jobs. Social Security works; public education works... now is the time to build unity of liberals, progressives and the left to defend our existing programs such a coalition won while demanding of government public health care and public child care systems instead of continuing to finance these dirty wars.

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