We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More lies from Democrats…

    • Alan L. Maki

      What a bunch of lies coming from Congresspersons Keith Ellison and Betty McCollum that Obama-care will help senior citizens... the only ones who will benefit from the "Health Insurance Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act" will be Wall Street profiteers.

    • It is unethical for McCollum and Ellison to pit one group who might be helped in... some small ways against the harm this legislation brings to the majority of the American working class.

    • This is the very worst kind of political posturing going on taking place at the harm being done to so many people and as nothing more than an excuse for McCollum and Ellison from bringing forward legislation for a national public health care system--- socialized health care; publicly funded, publicly administered and publicly delivered.

    • A fare analysis would be to have a breakdown of the entire legislation to see who is actually helped with their health care needs and who stands to profit.

    • Barack Obama is nothing but a health insurance salesman for Wall Street posing as a part-time president while spending the rest of his time on vacation when he isn't expanding wars and occupying other countries as in Iraq for which the American people are going to be paying through the nose-- more so, then for Bush's initial war... long-term occupation of Iraq won't come cheap... a national public health care system creating around ten-million jobs would be a much better investment.

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