We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why are we being bullied and badgered by Democratic Party hacks calling us “negative” for insisting on accountability from Obama and the Democrats?

Alan L. Maki

I agree, "force them to enact a progressive agenda." The problem is... if there was the intent of forcing Obama and the Democrats to respond to a progressive agenda where is that movement?

Better yet, why are not the supporters of this "Elect the Dems and Force them" asking the most pertinent question of all which brings all these problems in focus:
"How is the war economy working for you?"

On Labor Day, I did not hear one single one of the labor leaders pushing this idea standing next to Obama or any other Democrat asking this question.

The American people have a right to mull over this question before Election Day.
A positive "solution" would be to end the funding for these dirty wars and long-term occupations and put that money into national public health care and into national public child care centers thus creating around 130-million new jobs... "tax the rich" as is being advocated here in Minnesota by the Democratic candidate for governor, Mark Dayton, is another aspect of a progressive agenda yet I don't see this "tax the rich" being brought forward by the crowd of " ELECT DEMS and FORCE THEM to enact a Progressive agenda! If O doesnt continue to channel FDR after the election, we will kick his ass out in 2012! IF he does, we will be fine."

Everything is not fine in this country as we move up to the midterm elections... where is there any evidence that Barack Obama and the Democrats intend to change course? There isn't. In fact, it is because they have failed to advance or act on a progressive agenda that most of Obama's supporters thought he meant by "hope" and "change" that we are facing a Republican comeback this November when the Republicans had been thoroughly trounced.

This is not "negative thinking;" it is realistic thinking because it simply is no longer possible to prevent the Republicans from coming back.

Working people have a right to expect something for their votes without being accused of being "negative." Wall Street has received a great deal for its investment in Obama... what have working people received in return for their votes? Again, not a "negative" comment and question; just something every voter has a right to in a democracy... which when all is said and done is about accountability from politicians upon which their political fate deserves to rest.

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