We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My response to Tim Pawlenty’s attack on public education…

Alan L. Maki

Tim, you have instituted "deforms" to our public school system here in Minnesota... I'll give you a Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, but never my vote if you run for president.

Public schools are NOT failing our children... politicians like ...you you don't support the concepts of free, universal public education sabotaging our public schools in order to then turn around and claim for political expediency that they are failing is the only problem.

There is no institution--- public or private that has been so successful in carrying out its mandate than our public schools... that our public schools have survived thirty years of your Republican attacks is nothing short of a miracle.

The wars you and Obama and most Democrats and Republicans support in Iraq and Afghanistan is killing our public schools just as they are killing jobs and people.

It will be great to have a new Governor, Mark Dayton, a true friend of public education be our next governor after these dark dreary years of putting up with you. I hope all you rich people pack up and leave Minnesota to escape all the taxes that are going to be imposed on the rich... we will be able to manage just fine.

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